Home Learning (13.1.21) – Numeracy (💷)

In today’s lesson we will look at adding amounts of money.


You can use the below video to help explain how to add/subtract with decimals (only watch video until 3:45)

Have a go at these activities that involve: counting money, working out possible combinations to make amounts and matching pictures with numbers.

Adding Money – Questions

Adding Money – Answers

Please feel free to post any pictures of your children with their work on the school Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/StGeorgesPrimaryTelford

Good Luck! 🙂

Home Learning (12.1.21) – Numeracy (💷)

In today’s lesson we will look at converting pounds and pence.

Have a go at these activities that involve: counting money, working out possible combinations to make amounts and matching pictures with numbers.

Converting Pounds & Pence – Questions

Converting Pounds & Pence – Answers

Please feel free to post any pictures of your children with their work on the school Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/StGeorgesPrimaryTelford

Good Luck! 🙂

Home Learning (11.1.21) – Numeracy (💷)

In today’s lesson we will look at pounds and pence.


Have a go at these activities that involve: counting money, working out possible combinations to make amounts and matching pictures with numbers.

Pounds & Pence – Questions

Pounds & Pence – Answers

Please feel free to post any pictures of your children with their work on the school Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/StGeorgesPrimaryTelford

Good Luck! 🙂

Blob opera!

A bit of fun for a Friday afternoon, below is a link to create your own ‘Blob Opera’ while also learning about different types of vocals/singing!

Blob opera

Remote Wellbeing Pack – Whole School

Hi everyone,

We hope your first week of home learning has gone smoothly. From next week onwards, we will be popping on a weekly Wellbeing Pack with suggestions of daily activities to help promote positive mental health and wellbeing.

Here is next week’s pack:

Week 2 Wellbeing Pack – Whole School

You don’t need to print the pack off – you could use the templates to copy on to a plain piece of paper. There are also some links on the pictures for Monday and Tuesday.

We’d love to hear how you get on!

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Evans 🙂

Home Learning (8.1.21) – Numeracy (➗)

Let’s finish off the week with some basic calculations revision.

WALT: Solve division sums using the bus stop method

WILF: Biggest number inside the bus stop, smaller number outside the bus stop, answer on top.

Parents, use this Bus stop division: Teaching resource to help with explaining the method to your child.

You can find the attached worksheet with three levels of difficulty (note the stars in the bottom left) for this lesson below (with an answers page to help check your child’s understanding).

Please feel free to post any pictures of your children with their work on the school Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/StGeorgesPrimaryTelford

Good Luck! 🙂


Friday 8th January

Each Friday we will be continuing with our spellings, it would be great if there is a grown up at home who could give you a test like we do in school (but don’t worry if not)! We will also be posting the new spellings on the website each week for you to start practising, remember that you can use Spelling Shed to do this – if you need any help logging on then please let us know.

The spellings for this week are:

Mrs Weston’s Set                                             

  1. like
  2. dislike
  3. understand
  4. misunderstand
  5. complete
  6. incomplete
  7. credible
  8. incredible
  9. famous
  10. forward

Mr Hylton’s Set

  1. like
  2. dislike
  3. understand
  4. misunderstand
  5. complete
  6. incomplete
  7. credible
  8. incredible

Miss Owen’s Set

  1. happy
  2. heavy
  3. angry
  4. happier
  5. heavier
  6. angrier
  7. happiest
  8. heaviest
  9. angriest

You can also have a go at this BBC lesson on homophones, it focuses of their, there and they’re which is something we all find a bit tricky! Work through the lesson and have a go at the activities.

Their, there and they’re

Chester Zoo Live

This morning at 10am Chester Zoo will be going live again with a virtual zoo tour.  All you need to do is go to their You Tube or Facebook page and tune in!

Home Learning (7.1.21) – Numeracy (✖️)

Let’s start the morning off with some basic calculations revision.

WALT: Solve multiplication sums using the column method

WILF: Place value headings (HTO -Hundreds, Tens & Ones), Biggest number on top, Start in the most right column, multiply bottom number by top

Note: at 2:10 the carried digit is moved to the top of the answer. This is the American standard. We move the carried digit underneath sum to help keep things organised and clearer.

Parents, you can find the attached worksheet with three levels of difficulty (note the stars in the bottom left) for this lesson below (with an answers page to help check your child’s understanding).

Column Multiplication – Activity

Please feel free to post any pictures of your children with their work on the school Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/StGeorgesPrimaryTelford

Good Luck! 🙂


Thursday afternoons are usually our P.E lesson so follow the link below to a lesson you can complete at home, we always really enjoy doing these in school! Remember to let us know how you got on!