Remembrance Day Artwork

We spent a lovely afternoon completing remembrance day activities. The children showed respect when discussing why we have remembrance day and they produced some lovely artwork.

Year 3 Disco

The children had a lovely time at the disco. Thank you very much for coming 🙂

These are some of the children enjoying their drink and snack in their disco clothes.

Social Media Kindness Day

Today is ‘Be kind online day’.

This is an annual event that takes place every November.


On Monday, Mrs Croft, one of our DSL’s and also one of the computing co-ordinators, took assemblies with both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.

We talked about kindness being one of our very important school values. We discussed how important it is to treat others with kindness- both in person and online.

We also discussed being an upstander and not standing by when others make hateful remarks both in person and online.

The children listened carefully and responded well to some key messages about online behaviour.

We post regular information in the online section of our website to help you navigate the tricky subject of what your children may be up to online.

As always, feel free to speak to us if you have any concerns.

How has London changed?

Today, the children have learnt all about London. They studied different landmarks and looked at the changes it has made in the past 500 years. The children were really interested in different events which have happened and were able to identify how it has changed.

These are a few pictures of the children’s work.

Digital Camera

COP27 Week

What and when is COP27?

COP27 stands for the 27th Conference of the Parties. COP27 will take place in Sharm el-Sheikh, South Sinai, Egypt. It will take place from 7-17th November 2022. It’s an important summit that will be attended by representatives of all the countries that signed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

At the summit, the leaders of these countries will meet with climate change scientists, activists, campaigners, and other experts to discuss the measures that should be taken in the battle against the climate crisis.

Why is COP27 important?

COP27 is an important event because the latest science shows that climate change is moving a lot faster than we are.

This year, the main focus of COP27 must be implementation.

This is an activity you could do at home.

Reduce Carbon Footprint Activity

Caring for the environment


Year 3 Times Tables Rock Stars Club

Mr Porteous and Mr Richards were absolutely thrilled with the attendance of 36 Year Three children at this evening’s Times Tables Rock Stars after-school club. There are still a number of places available at the club. Please contact the school office if your child would like to join the club.

Well done for reading at home!

Well done to all those Reception, Year 3 and Year 4 children who have earned a Head Teacher’s Award today for reading regularly at home. Mrs Sixsmith has been very busy writing in a lot of reading records today! Thank you also to all the grown ups at home for supporting your children with their reading- it really does make a HUGE difference to their progress.

An explosive first day back

Welcome back!

We hope you had a lovely half term break. It was lovely to see the children come back to school so happily this morning.

Today, it has been all about bonfire night. We have created some great shape poems using some exciting vocabulary.. This afternoon, we have made some safety posters.

The children have produced some great work and understand the importance of keeping safe.

These are some of their posters.