Sponsored Read Success! ⭐⭐⭐

Well done- You have completed your first half term back at school! -  Virginia Primary School

We would like to say a huge well done to all of the children who took part in our Sponsored Read as part of our Reading Challenge Week! We are so very proud of all of you for doing such fabulous reading and listening 😊  Thank you so much to all of the parents and carers for your support with this…. we raised a fantastic grand total of £967.20! We will be using the money raised to buy lots of brilliant new books for the children to enjoy in the classroom and at home 🥰📚⭐


Recycle Week 2022

This afternoon, the children have learnt all about recycle week. The children may be looking out for the recycling logo at home.

These are some of the logos they have recreated.


In Geography, we have been looking at the mountains in the UK.  The children are working really hard to develop their geography skills.  These are some of the children hard at work!

Coach Jacob

Today was Coach Jacob’s final session of rugby and reading as he is going on to begin his career in quantity surveying. Jacob has been such a positive role-model and he has had such a positive impact on our children. Jacob’s sister will be taking his place as our new coach so we still be in very good hands. Thank you so much Jacob, our staff and children will really miss you. Best wishes for the future ☺️

Maths Information Sessions

A reminder that this Thursday, Mr Porteous and Mrs Morris (maths leaders) will be holding maths parent information sessions at 2.30pm and 5.30pm. These sessions will include information on the curriculum, teaching, organisation and assessments. There will be an option to attend one of two meetings that will last around 30 minutes. The slides will be available for anyone who is unable to attend.


Please log in and book through your Parent Pay account. Thank you.

Let’s Get Real – Recycle Week

Recycle week is an annual event to promote and celebrate the importance of reducing our waste.

Managing the waste we produce through our everyday lives is important because we need to reduce, reuse and recycle resources.

This special week has been held since 2004 and its mission has been to encourage us to recycle more.

Together – We recycle 

Now is a great time to think about how our rubbish affects the world.

We can work together and step it up to help the climate crisis.

Geography Challenge

In Geography, we are learning about the UK. Today, we have located different counties, we then used google maps to look at Shropshire and we identified some key features.

It would be great if you could find out more about other counties in the UK. You can present your work anyway you like. E.G. poster, leaflet, Power Point.

Please bring in any work which you have done. 🙂



In Literacy, we are looking at stories from familiar settings. This week, we have read The Wrekin Giant.

We discussed the two characters in the story and the main events.

These are some of the amazing character Slinkys the children have made.


Telling The Time ⌚

At St George’s, we believe that telling the time is a very important life skill. To assist us with our teaching of telling the time, we would like to encourage any children who own an analogue watch to wear it to school. Please do not feel pressured to buy one though if your child does not own one. We have invested in some additional analogue clocks that have been put up around school. Thank you so much for your support. Please note that Smart Watches cannot be worn to school for safeguarding reasons.

Book Fair! 📚😊🌟

We are pleased to announce the Book Fair will be running after school in the main hall on Friday 14th October, Monday 17th October and Tuesday 18th October.

There will be a fantastic selection of books for all ages, so please come along to browse!

Payments can be made in cash, by card (directly to the Scholastic website) or using gift vouchers.

To view the full selection of books, please visit    https://bookfairs.scholastic.co.uk/parents?nt=t

Thank you 😊