
Congratulations to Year 3 again for receiving the most lunchtime points during the week, they have definitely been showing all of our school values and their treat was well deserved!

With the weather being so warm there was only one thing for it…..ice lollies in the shade!

Lunchtime points!

Year 3 were very excited to have been awarded the most lunchtime points this week, they thought very carefully about a treat that they would all enjoy and eventually decided on an extra play on the adventure playground and no homework this week!

Well done Year 3, very well deserved. 😁

Year 3.4 Sports Day

This morning our first Sports Day was held at St George’s since the COVID pandemic began. Today our Year 3 and 4 Sports Day was brilliantly attended by parents and other family members of our children. The weather stayed dry and the Blue Team were the Year 3 winners.

Year 3.4 Boys’ and Year 5 Boys’ Football

Our Year 3.4 boys’ and Year 5 boys’ football teams played St Peter and St Paul yesterday evening on our school field. There was a large attendance of spectators at the match and there was a lovely supportive atmosphere.

Year 3.4 Boys’ Football Match

Just a reminder that we have a Year 3.4 boys’ football match after-school on the field against St Peter and Paul Primary School tomorrow. If your child is in the team, details will be available on your child’s Parent Pay account.


As part of our ‘Animals including humans’ topic the children in year 3 investigated animal diets by dissecting owl pellets! The children all found this really interesting and were amazed at all the different bones that they found!

Sports Days 2022

Sports Days 2022 are as follows:

Monday 27th June – 9:30am – Foundation Stage Sports Day (RC and RG with Nursery)

Monday 27th June – 1:30pm – Foundation Stage Sports Day (RM with Nursery)

Tuesday 28th June – 9:30am – Year 3.4 Sports Day

Wednesday 29th June  – 9:30 am – Year 1.2 Sports Day

Thursday 30th June  – 9:30am – Year 5.6 Sports Day

All children in Nursery and Reception (Foundation Stage) will need to wear their normal P.E kit for their Sports Day.

Children in years 1 to 6 will need to wear either a red, blue or green t-shirt depending on what colour their class has been assigned.

Please note that children in Years 3 and 4 will be notified of the colour that they need to wear for Sports Day in due course.

1H – Green

1M – Blue

1B – Red

2P – Red

2D – Green

2B – Blue

Years 3 and 4, children to be notified by their teachers.

5H – Green

5M – Red

5TP – Blue

6Burnett – Green

6Branford – Red




Today Year 3 used their right angle finders outside looking for right angles. They were surprised how many they found.

Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera


This week in Science as part of our ‘Animals including humans’ topic we have been learning all about the muscles in our body and how they work. To help us understand we made some models using elastic bands as muscles.