Exotic Zoo

Yesterday we had some very interesting visitors in school all the way from Exotic Zoo! All of the children were able to take part in an assembly where they learned about the animals with some fascinating facts thrown in too! I wonder if the children can remember the names of the animals we met?

National Numeracy Day!

Yesterday, as part of national numeracy day we enjoyed taking part in some special numeracy activities.


KS2 Swimming Reminder

Just a reminder that Key Stage 2 swimming begins on Monday.

Please can you remember to equip your child with a towel, spare pair of socks, swimming costume, spare underwear, goggles if you wish and a waterproof bag.

Thank you for your support.


Census Day – Thursday 19th May

Special Menu Census Day School Lunch – St George’s needs your help please! 

It is school census day on Thursday 19th May and the number of free school meals taken on the day will have an effect on our school budget. Therefore, we really need all children who are eligible for a free school meal to have a school dinner on this day. This includes all children in Reception and KS1 as well as those who are eligible in KS2.

School budgets are very tight, and the more meals taken up on this day will mean we will receive more money from the government. We spend this money on resources for learning, additional adults in school to support your children as well as a range of other necessary equipment.

All other children who want a school meal on this day can still do so.
Please see menu for the day below:

Chicken Nuggets/Quorn Nuggets

French Fries

Baked Beans

Selection of Biscuits

Thank you for your continued support.



This term year 3 are looking at the work of Andy Warhol, today we looked at some of his artwork and then had a go at printing using our hands to create a repeated pattern. The results were fantastic, well done year 3!

Orienteering Club

We had a great turnout of 30 children at our first Year Three Orienteering club. Now the children have mastered the basics, they are ready for more!

DT Homework

To link with our DT topic of British inventors we are asking the children to come up with their own idea for a new invention over the Easter holidays.

We have found some interesting BBC programmes about inventions and inventors which the children might like to watch.

We’re really looking forward to seeing the children’s ideas!

Year 3 Multi-Sports Event

Last week, twenty of our Year 3 children participated in a multi-sports event at the Telford Tennis Centre that was organised by Energize and the Telford and Wrekin School Sports Partnership. The children had a brilliant time playing in the games that were on offer.