Mathsframe Website

We have recently purchased a subscription to a website called ‘Mathsframe’ where our children can log-in to access a wide range of games to play at home.

Your children will be bringing home the username and password soon that they will require to access all of the games that are available.


Walk to School Week | Living Streets

This week at St George’s we will be promoting Walk to School Week.

This is a five-day walking challenge that begins on Monday 15th of May. It encourages children to travel actively to school every day of the week. This could be walking, cycling or scooting to school. If it is not possible to walk the distance, you could ‘park and stride,’ which means parking further than you normally would and walking the rest of the way. 

During the week, the children will meet various animals and they’ll learn about the important reasons to walk and the difference it can make for individuals, communities and the planet! Each animal will educate the children on one of the following reasons: Inclusion, Sustainability, Health, Mindfulness and Friendship.

Good luck!


The children have been learning about physical features of coasts. They sorted pictures into arches, caves and stacks.

After that, the children learned about The Holbeck Hall Hotel Disaster. In 1993, a landslide began underneath the hotel, the entire east wing of the hotel collapsed into the sea. The children learned that this happened because of coastal erosion.

The children wrote some fantastic newspaper reports about the disaster.

Coronation Celebrations

The children in year three have had a great day celebrating the Coronation.

They enjoyed learning about the new King.

We hope they continue to enjoy the celebrations over the weekend.

KS2 Cross Country ?

On Wednesday 25th April, we took a whopping team of just under 80 children to the Telford and Wrekin School Sports Partnership’s first KS2 Cross Country event since the COVID pandemic. We were so proud of the levels of perseverance that were displayed by our children throughout a very physically demanding course.

Earth Day Activities

Year 3 completed Earth Day themed activities today. We spoke about how special the Earth is, how important it is that we care for it and how this links to our school value of responsibility. We made our own pledges of what we will do to protect the Earth and created our own tree of pledges.

Sports Captain Applications

Just a reminder that Sports Captain application letters for children in Years 3, 4, 5 or 6 need to be handed in to the school office by Friday. The new badges were delivered today ready for our new Sports Captains once they have been selected.