Winnie and Wilbur Stay at Home 📖

Stay At Home (Winnie and Wilbur) by Valerie Thomas

Join Winnie and Wilbur in a brand-new stay-at-home adventure! With Wilbur’s fun ideas and a flick of Winnie’s wand, staying at home can be lots of fun.

Click on the link below to read the interactive eBook with your child.

Winnie and Wilbur Stay at Home

Food Bank Update

Update on our Food Bank
Thank you so much to everyone who has been able to support us to run the food bank during lock-down. We have been able to support over 25 families each week during this difficult time due to generous donations from individual families, organisations and local businesses. Thank you- we could not have done this without your help!
Our plan is to begin to wind down the food bank to finish the week beginning 13th July. Anything food items remaining at school that week will be donated to another local food bank.
We will help the families who have been using our food bank by giving them details of more sustainable food banks and organisations that may be able to offer them a range of services they need to help them get back on track.

Spelling shed update – 8th June!

Let’s have a little look how things stand after the weekend. I hope you have all managed to dodge the rain and you have had nice times with your families.

Not too much change in the whole school leader board over the weekend.

Set 1 year 5 are still top with set 3 in 2nd place. Set 2 year 3 have climbed 2 places to reach 3rd place. Set 1 year 4 are 4th and Set 2 year 5 are 5th. Well done to all these sets!

Let’s now look at the children who have contributed the most points to their team and reached the top 10 in the whole school leader board.

Oliver L (Y5)

Olly B (Y5)

Gracie B (Y3)

Layla C (Y4)

Mason (Y5)

Charlie (Y5)

Georgia (Y5)

Logan (Y5)

Oliver D (Y2)

Connor H (Y2)

An extra big well done to the two boys in year 2. What an achievement to be in the top 10 of the whole school!

Each day this week, I will be checking who has been playing lots but not quite making the leader board. Tomorrow, I will be celebrating children in Years 1 and 2.

Keep practising, super spellers!

Year 3 spellings – Set 1 and 2 – week beginning 8th June

This weeks spellings all contain -sion and the suffix -ous.

The words are:











There is a new assignment for you to practise these new spellings on spelling shed.

Good luck, spellers!


Year 3 – set 3 spellings – week beginning 8th June

Your spellings this week all contain the o-e split digraph. These spellings will also be on Spelling shed. Remember to practise them.









Keep practising!


A few weeks ago, we sent out a request asking for our school’s community to nominate our school to win a Storytelling Chair through ‘The School Playground Company’s’ Facebook page. We are delighted to announce that we WON!

Thank you so much to everyone who nominated us, we saw that some people even put some very complimentary comments alongside our nomination which didn’t go unnoticed. What a week for St George’s C of E Primary School! We are looking forward to our large delivery soon!

Thank you for your support.

Ideas for home – 5.6.20 🐧

London Sea Life Aquarium! 🐧

We’re heading back to the penguin enclosure at London Sea Life Aquarium for a feeding session full of fun facts and information!

Watch the video and then complete this step by step guide on how to draw penguins and annotate your picture with any of the facts you have learnt.

Five Senses Scavenger Hunt!

This activity would be an excellent way to get your children outside and exploring if they are currently cooped up at home.

To use the worksheet, simply download it, print it out or display it on a smartphone or tablet, take your kids into the backyard or to a nearby park, and see what they find.

This worksheet is divided into twelve sections, with each section asking children to locate an object that fills a sensory criterion, such as “something smooth”, “something yellow”, or “something that has a smell”.

What are some good scavenger hunt ideas?

Scavenger hunts are a great way to encourage exploration and discovery in children. Here are some variations you can use for other themed scavenger hunts:

  • Photo scavenger hunt, where teams need to take photos of each of the items on their list.
  • Online scavenger hunt, where teams need to find relevant items on the web.

Children coming into school

Hi Everyone,

If your child is coming into school, please could you also ensure that your child has clothes that will keep them warm in the classrooms in all weathers. Following guidance, we have to keep the doors and windows open to ventilate rooms and it can be quite cool in some of the rooms, especially in the mornings. We need the beautiful sunshine to come back!

Thank you.

Spelling shed update – 4th June!

It has been another busy week on spelling shed. Well done to all the children who have been playing. Next week I will be having a look who has been playing and celebrating children who have been playing lots but haven’t quite made it into the top 10!

Classes leader board is as follows:

Year 5 set 1 are 1st

Year 5 set 3 are 2nd

Year 5 set 2 are 3rd

Year 4 set 1 are 4th (a new arrival to the top 5)

Year 3 set 2 are 5th

2P and 2BF, you are not far behind. Well done!

And now for the top 10 spellers in the whole school:

Olly (Y5)

Oliver L (Y5)

Layla C (Y4)

Georgia (Y5)

Logan (Y5)

Grace (Set 1, Y5)

Charlie (Y5)

Lili T (Y2)

Lucy T (Y2)

Gracie B (Y3)

Well done to all of these children!

Maybe set yourself a challenge this week to see if you can get into the top 10!