Our Local Area

In Geography, we are learning about how land is used.

Firstly, we made a sketch map of the school grounds.

Last week, we went on a field trip around St Georges. We looked at how the land is used in our local area.

It was a lovely sunny day and the children had fun exploring.


PE Kit Bank

We are keen to put together a ‘PE Kit Bank’ similar to our ‘Boot Bank’ event that we held on the playground not so long ago. Please can any unwanted items PE kit, including trainers/pumps, be donated to Mr Porteous, Mrs Tidman-Poole, Mr Richards, Miss Hedges or Mr Perry by Friday please?

Thank you for your support

Safer Internet Day 2023

Today is Safer Internet Day

All of the children have attended special assemblies this morning. We have discussed our online activities and how we can navigate our own personal safety in our online lives just like we do in our day to day life.

Each class has an Acceptable Use Agreement displayed in their classroom that they have all signed to say that they will use school devices responsibly and that they know who to go to for help.

Acceptable Use Agreement

Light investigation

This week in Science we have been carrying out a fair test as part of our light topic, the children were investigating which material would block out light best. They made predictions and then tested the materials to see if they were right.  A big thank you to our caretaker Gary for creating our ‘dark caves’. ?

Takeover Assembly!

Over Hall Community School: School Council

Today the school councillors took over the Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 assemblies! They introduced themselves and explained their very important role in school so that all of the children knew who to approach should they have any ideas for school improvement.

After that, Gillian Denning from Stronger and Safer Communities talked to us about a problem in the local community (dog mess) and the importance of cleaning up after your dog! Then she introduced a competition which involves the children designing their own ‘poo posters’. This is not mandatory but we are encouraging as many children as possible to take part!

The deadline for this competition is Monday 13th February. Can all entries please be given to Miss Bibi or Mrs Morris (School Council leads). The entries will be judged by Gillian and the school councillors and the chosen designs will be put up around the local area.

Good Luck!

Clay Heads

In Art, our topic has been ‘Heads’. The children have used different skills to make their own head and the final lesson was mixing colours to paint their head.

Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera


Our amazing eyes

In Science this week, we have been learning about how we see things. We labelled the different parts of the eye and then discussed the importance of looking after them.

The children created some lovely posters.

Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera

St George’s Worship Team

Digital Camera

The St George’s CE Primary school Worship Team met today. They had a very difficult task to do. They had to judge the Interfaith Week Design a Dove Competition! The winners will be announced very soon so watch this space.

In the meantime, you can read the minutes of our meeting on the Pupil Voice section of this website.

Storytelling in Year 3

We have had a lovely week in Year 3. We have been having our Storytelling week. We had a visit from Peter Chand, who is a Storyteller, and he told us stories and asked us lots of riddles. We also had a visit from our “Buddy Readers” in Reception. We read them stories and practised our storytelling.