Year 3 RE

In RE we have been looking at ways people show they care for others. This week we listened to some songs about caring and the children then had a go at writing their own lyrics and created an album cover!

Year 3 Science

This week in Science as part of our ‘Animals including humans’ topic we have been investigating animal diets. As part of this we dissected some owl pellets, the were fascinated by what they found!


Year 3 – Trip to New Brighton

Yesterday, Year 3 went on a trip to New Brighton to visit the coast. We had ever such a good day and the children were a credit to the school. They worked incredibly hard and completed all of their tasks. Well done, Year 3, and thank you for such a lovely day!

Finally, thank you very much to the PTFA for very kindly buying everyone an ice cream!

Year 3 Design and Technology

This week we have been busy in Year 3 finishing our DT project, the children have shown fantastic perseverance skills in order to complete their purses.

Year 3 New Rules Day!

We have had a fantastic day in year 3 for ‘New Rules Day!’ Not only lots of new rules but also some new teachers too!

Year 3 – E-Mailing

We have been learning about emailing in Year 3. We have learnt how to send emails, how to reply to emails and how to stay safe when using emails. We also made our own quiz!

Homework in Year 3

Homework is vital for children to know more and remember more. ⭐

In Year 3, homework is given to every child on a Friday and we expect it to be returned the following Wednesday at the latest. We will alternate homework between Numeracy and Literacy.  As well as this, we ask that children read 5 times a week to someone at home alongside their reading in school.

All children also have a username and password for TimesTable Rockstars and Spelling Shed. These are fantastic resources for children to use at home to support their learning.

Thank you for your continued support with this.

Sew Much Fun In Year 3!

This week, we started our sewing project as part of our design and technology topic – Functions of Fabrics.

All of the children were amazing at sewing. They practised running stitch and over stitch. We are really excited to continue this next week! 🙂