Year 3 Pedestrian Training

This week, we were joined by Dianne from ‘Travel Telford’ to complete our pedestrian training course. The children learnt all about the green cross code and how to stay safe when crossing the road. They all listened really carefully and Dianne was very impressed with how well they completed their practical assessment.

Year 3 – St. George’s Day Activities

We have completed a variety of activities to celebrate St. George’s day. As a team, we read the legend of St. George. We then acted the legend out. After that, we designed and made our own shields to take to battle.

We have had a lovely day, full of smiles and laughter. Well done, everyone! 🙂


Year 3 – R.E

The children have had an amazing lesson in R.E this week. We had to think about why and how we show care to other people. It was lovely to see the children showing such empathy and respect towards each other and the work that they produced was beautiful. Well done, everyone! 🙂

World Art Day

On Monday 15th April it was World Art Day. To celebrate this we had a special assembly for both KS1 and KS2 where we learnt that World Art Day is on Leonardo Da Vinci’s birthday. During the Assembly, every child had a piece of paper and a pencil and we drew our own Zentangles. We looked at different lines that can be used and different ways to use them. The children really enjoyed the assembly and drew some beautiful Zentangles.


Year 3 ‘Bikeability’

This week some of the children took part in a ‘Bikeability’ course, they listened really carefully and learned lots of new skills.

Year 3 Chinese Art

This week in art we have been looking at examples of Ming Porcelain, we then created our own plates in this style.

Year Three Poems to Perform

In Literacy, we are looking at poems.  Today, we have been learning to perform poetry. Firstly, we watched some video clips of our year three author, Michael Rosen performing poems.

After that, we read a range of poems and performed them in small groups.


All the children did a fantastic job and it was a pleasure to watch.


Well done.

French Breakfast Club

We had a lot of happy children at Breakfast Club before half term. Madame Sohier hosted a delicious French themed breakfast, with help from all the Breakfast Club staff.  The children had the chance to read French magazines and play French games, too. Tres Bien!

Year 3 World Book Day

We have been so impressed this morning with the effort that everyone has made for ‘World Book Day’, we have had a lovely morning so far discussing our favourite books and sharing stories with the children in reception!