Guidance for Education Settings


Dear Parents,

We hope you are all safe and well.

As you will be aware, we are currently open for children of key workers and vulnerable children. Please note the following:

  • children, parents, carers and visitors not to enter the school if they display any symptoms of coronavirus
  • parents and carers must contact the school as soon as possible if they believe their child has been exposed to coronavirus
  • parents please stay 2m apart from each other when dropping off and collecting children
  • children to not bring any equipment into school from home, including school bags, other than their packed lunch and a water bottle
  • parents and carers asked to not come into the school building other than if collecting your child from the office before the end of the school day
  • if coming into the school entrance to speak to the office, only one parent in at a time. Please wait outside until the space is free to ensure social distancing
  • parents and carers are asked to email or ring school if you need to speak to staff

Please see attached poster for details regarding the latest symptoms and how to stop the spread of the virus.

Thank you.

Re-opening for more pupils up-date 22.5.20

Following scientific evidence and through our own risk assessments, St George’s will not open to reception children as planned on 3rd June and it is unlikely nursery will start on 8th June. It is important to wait to see what guidance we will now be given nationally and locally. We do not want to rush this decision as everyone’s safety is vital. We will keep you all updated when we know more. We will continue to provide childcare for key worker families. Thank you for your patience

Ideas for home – 22.5.20

Step by step guide to draw a bird

Teach your child how to draw detailed birds with the help of this template.

Drawing is an excellent activity for children as is offers all sorts of benefits, both physically and mentally. These included improving hand-eye coordination, heightened concentration and development of fine motor skills.

Post your finished pictures on the school’s facebook page!

Leaf necklace activity

Making a Leaf necklace is a fun outdoor threading activity perfect for young children in any educational setting. Children can collect the leaves for their leaf necklace during their outdoor play or on a visit to the local woods. They can then develop their fine motor skills whilst threading the leaves onto their very own leaf necklace.

Post your finished necklaces on the school’s facebook page!

Ideas for home – 21.5.20

Check your change!

A useful worksheet for practising adding and subtracting money to check amounts of change.

Symmetry – Numeracy

This handy Symmetry Powerpoint about symmetry with a particular focus on how symmetrical designs are used in Islamic architecture and design, along with two different worksheets to help consolidate your child’s learning.

Mosque Symmetry Activity Sheet

Prayer Mat Symmetry Activity Sheet

Ideas for children – 20.5.20

Draw your favourite move!

This BBC Children in Need Joe Wicks Draw your favourite move activity! is an ideal way to support your children to get more exercise. They can make up a move or use one they know and feel they are good at. They would draw this move and then say how they will make sure they carry on doing it. It might be that they will do their favourite move to help them to exercise first thing in the morning, after lunch or at some other time of the day.

Eight times table practise!

Follow this BBC Bitesize Link.

Use these 8 times table practise sheets to assist children with exploring and practising the eight times tables.

Print and play this 8 times table board game to consolidate your learning whilst playing a fun game at the same time.

Ideas for children – 19.5.20

Make your own board game!

The resources in this resource pack will give you everything you need to make a homemade board game.

Board games are a great activity to support your child’s learning of different subjects, or just to play for fun!

The templates include a range of different board designs you can make at home, cards to use for forfeits or questions, and even an instruction writing template.

Scavenger hunt!

Use this fun ‘Around the House Scavenger Hunt’ to teach your children about the simple properties of some common household objects. Can they find items that are soft, shiny or see-through in the home or garden?

What objects are made of metal or wood? Perfect for a fun, science-themed home learning activity while the schools are closed.