Friday 15th May

Good morning.

Here are some activities for you today.

Literacy – Reading 

Improving Your Reading Skills with Predicting Pip


The Fox and the Wolf Prediction


Missing number problems


Today is International Day of Families.

Held on 15th May every year, the International Day of Families was established by the United Nations in 1993 as a way to raise awareness of issues faced by families throughout the world.

Activities you could do:

  • Draw a portrait of your family.
  • Write a description about your family.
  • Think of all the things you love doing with your family.
  • Best memories.
  • Have a special dinner to celebrate being a family.

Have a good day and a lovely weekend.


Wednesday 13th May

Good morning 🙂

Here are some activities for you today.

Literacy – Writing 

Letter to a friend


Subtracting numbers mentally


Have some fun with these Science Investigations.


Intriguing Ice

Watch this short video looking at what happens to different liquids when they are frozen. After watching, choose some everyday liquids and freeze them, then observe what happens to them

Intriguing Ice


Have a lovely day. 🙂

National Numeracy Day Virtual Festival

The National Numeracy team together with partners & National Numeracy Day Heroes are hosting a day of online events to help with numeracy while the nation is at home:

  • Helping children with maths
  • Improving your own self-confidence with numbers
  • Getting to grips with finances.
  • Visit and follow updates via social media.


Happy Numeracy Day


Grow some plants at home for free!

Thank you to Oscar and Elsie’s mum who sent in the details of the Green Thyme ‘Plant a Seed Project’. Fill in the attached form to get some free seeds which you can plant with your children at home! Please contact them directly- do not send your completed forms into school.

Green Thyme Seed Project 2020-1

Letter from Mrs Sixsmith

Dear Parents,

I do hope you are all well and keeping safe.

I am contacting you regarding the Government’s plan to open schools to more pupils from 1st June. As you will be aware, they would like schools to start having nursery, reception, Y1 and Y6 pupils come back.

School leaders have only been issued the same documents that the general public have, so we have no further information to tell you at this point. As you can imagine, staff, Governors and I will need to take time to understand the content of the guidance and begin to put plans in place to ensure whatever we do is in the best interests of our children, parents and staff. I realise that many of you will have questions about your own family circumstances but at this time we are unlikely to be able to answer them until we know more, but I have included the link here to the Government’s guidance for parents and carers which was updated yesterday. I know it will answer some of your questions.

It is still very early to know if schools will indeed be able to put everything into place to ensure all the children in nursery, reception, Y1 and Y6 are able to return on 1st June but I will continue to keep you informed. Can I please ask that you regularly check the school website for up-to-date information. The best place to look is click onto Parents’ Area and then onto School News.

I would like to thank you all for showing such kindness and support to our school over the past few weeks. It has been great to see so many families join our weekly live quizzes and send in work and photos to be shared with our school family. Staff genuinely love having a school full of children and we all hope that once it is safe to do so, that we will be able to welcome everyone back.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Sally Sixsmith

Head Teacher

Arup ‘My Future Home’ Competition

Follow the link above to a video which provides more details about a competition organised by a company called Arup. Children need to design what they think a home will look like in the year 2050 and then email a photo of their design to…

Tuesday 12th May

Good morning year three 🙂

Here are some activities for you today.


Adding Mentally Word Problems


A homophone is a word that sounds the same as another word, but its spelling or meaning is different. 

This document has a range of worksheets to practise.



Today, it is Florence Nightingale’s Birthday. Here are some things you could do:

Have a lovely day 🙂