Year 3 ROCK!

Year 3 had a brilliant time in science. For the beginning of their rocks topic, they worked in groups to make observations of a variety of rocks. They then grouped the rocks in whichever groups they thought were appropriate. Well done, everyone!

A Fantastic First Day

We would like to say a huge well done to the children in year three for settling back into school brilliantly. It has been such a lovely first day back.

Just a few reminders:

  • P.E kit must be in school every day.
  • Children are expected to read at least five times a week.

Thanks for your support


Year three team.

Welcome Back

We hope you have all had a lovely summer break, we are looking forward to welcoming the children back to school on Wednesday.

Spelling Shed

The children have all now been given their login details for Spelling Shed, this is a great online resource for practising spellings which can be found here: Spelling Shed.

If you have any issues logging on then please let us know.

We have also looked at lots of different ways to practise spellings in school, below are just a few ideas:

  • Write each word out three times (you could use different colours)
  • Cut out letters from newspapers or magazines and use them to make your spelling words.
  • Make a pyramid using the letters in your words eg. w

.                                                                                         w o

.                                                                                         w o r

.                                                                                         w o r d

  • Write your spellings in alphabetical order, you could then write them in order using the second/third letter.
  • Time challenge – how many times can you write your spellings in a given time? You can try and beat your score throughout the week.
  • Put your spellings into sentences, see if your can make a story with them.
  • You can write each letter of your spellings using a different colour or even use bubble writing.
  • Include each spelling in a picture that makes you think of the word.

Come Dine With Me

It has been a very exciting day in year three today.

The children spent this morning designing and making muffin pizzas. They chose which toppings they wanted and they also made some for the nursery children.

This afternoon, the children have been in the large hall with some of the children from nursery. They had made year three some delicious cookies and chocolate milk.

A big well done to all the children in year three, they have been really sensible and it was a very enjoyable day.


In year three, we have been looking at Hinduism. Firstly, the children learned about the main beliefs of a Hindu. After that, they looked at Mandirs, which is a Hindu place of worship. The children drew some great pictures and identified special features of them.

Here are some examples of the children’s work.


Next, we are looking at festivals and symbols.


This afternoon, we have let the butterflies go. The children have done a great job of looking after them.

Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera

Year 3 & 4 Sports Day

Well done to all the children for their efforts at Sports Day today. We are so proud of you all. Your behaviour, perseverance and support for your peers was outstanding!

Andy Warhol Inspired Art

Year 3 have taken inspiration from Andy Warhol and produced their own repeated image artwork.

We were really proud of everyone’s hard work. Everyone produced a beautiful piece of art! 🙂