Activity ideas 7.5.20

We’ve not set a numeracy or grammar task today, this is because we’d like you to spend some time creating your own Union Jack flag / decorations to display in your house for VE Day tomorrow.

Any photo’s can be e-mailed into the admin e-mail address at school by this afternoon and we’ll put together a video to show off your work.


Activity ideas 6.5.20

Estimating answers – Using your mental skills, round each amount of money to the nearest pound and estimate the answer. Remember: £1.50 would round up to £2, whereas £1.49 would round down to £1.


VE Day – Write a VE day prayer or learn a wartime song. If you’d like to record these and send these to us via the year 3 email address we’d love to see some!


Activity ideas 5.5.20

Subtracting numbers– Try these subtraction questions.

34_Words_for_describing – Can you spot the words which describe each noun?

VE Day activity – We hope you gathered lots of facts yesterday, today we’d love it if you could use them to create an information poster. Don’t forget to make it eye catching!

Activity ideas 4.5.20

Adding numbers – Try adding these numbers.

19_Time_sentences – Complete these sentences using the time bank on the bottom of the sheet.

As you may know, Friday 8th May is VE day. Each day this week, we will set you a small challenge or activity relating to VE day. Today, it would be great if you could research VE day and collect as many facts as possible. This could be by using a laptop, tablet, mobile phone or even talking to relatives.

Ideas for children – 1.5.20

What Animal am I?

Why not try this What am I? – Animal Quiz as part of a family quiz? You could play in teams or on your own to see who is the best animal detective!

Healthy Eating Diary

Food Diary template like this is a great way to note down everything you’re eating on a weekly basis. This simple yet effective food journal enables you and your children to record what they’ve eaten for each meal over the course of a week.You can display these on your fridge or on the wall in your kitchen as a fun way of incorporating healthy eating into your household.


Ideas for children – 30.4.20

Dice Dilemma!

Follow this BBC Bitesize link and read the learning summary slideshow (6 slides)

Then complete the two activities below. You will need a die for the first game and you will create your very own die in the second game!

Mr Whoops’ Spelling Mistakes!

Let me introduce Mr Whoops- he’s a little clumsy when it comes to spelling! Can your pupils spot his mistakes, which are all taken from the Y3/Y4 statutory spelling list? The perfect way of seeing how well your children REALLY know their statutory spellings!

Why not try one of Mr Whoops’ Spelling Sheets each day?

Ideas for children – 29.4.20

Multiplication Mosaics

These Multiplication Mosaics times tables worksheets will help children practise those all-important number facts. These sheets cover multiplication facts to 12 x 12. Why not try completing one sheet each day?

Pebble Art

Pebble art has become a really popular hobby. People decorate pebbles and then hide them in all kinds of places, such as parks, beaches and even shopping centres. When you go on a pebble hunt, you can either keep the pebbles you find or hide them again for someone else to find. You could get the adult with you to take a photo of a pebble if you are going to re-hide it. There are Internet groups on social media where an adult could post a photo of the pebble you have found.

You could even post your completed work on the St George’s Facebook Page!

Follow these instructions to find out how to make your own Pebble Art!

Ideas for children – 28.4.20

Home Exercise Log

How many minutes of exercise do you do every day? It is important to try and do at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day. Record how much daily exercise you are doing each day with this Home Exercise Log.

You can follow Joe Wicks’ Live workout sessions every weekday morning at 8:55am here to help!

Mindfulness Activities

Use these Mindfulness Activities to help students focus and practice mindfulness. The worksheets can be used individually or together to create a mindfulness workbook. Each page contains beautiful illustrations and writing prompts to help students practice mindful focus.


Bonjour Phase 2

A little French challenge for you try, if you fancy.

How you answer the questions is up to you, you can be as creative and imaginative as you wish.

I know and you know, how you love to make your French books “tres beau.”

So go for it, I can’t wait to see what you do.

  1. How tall is the Eiffel Tower?
  2. Who is the President?
  3. When did “La Tour de France” begin?
  4. What is the river that runs through Paris?
  5. How many countries border France? Can you name them?
  6. Can you write nine hundred and ninety-nine in French words?
  7. Can you draw the French flag and what is it called and why?
  8. Name 6 or more colours.
  9. Can you write a few sentences about yourself? Name, age, where you live, how you are feeling, what you look like, what pets you have?
  10. Can you draw a famous landmark in PARIS and give 3 astonishing facts about it?

I really can’t wait to see what you can all do.

Merci bien et rester en securite.  Thank you and stay safe.

Madame Sohier

The Queen’s Birthday

Today is the Queen’s official birthday.

Here are some things you could do to celebrate this.


  • Design a birthday cake (You could even make one)
  • Write her a birthday card.
  • Design a new crown for her.
  • Research about the Queen and create an information poster/ PowerPoint.
  • Have a garden party.
