Artist Study ???

As part of our Art lessons this half term, we have looked at paintings produced by famous artist, Xavier Cortado. We created thumbnails of one of his paintings by using a viewfinder tool to look in more detail at different sections. Then, the children used watercolour to add colour to their drawings practising their colour mixing techniques.

Cake Friday! πŸ°πŸŽ‚

A huge thank you to Vanessa from 4W for baking the most delicious brownies for all of the staff in school. They tasted amazing and we can’t wait for the next bake! πŸŽ‚β€

A lovely act of kindness! Well done, Vanessa! 😊⭐



4H have had a very successful afternoon with Madame Sohier. They learned a song about jungle animals in French and performed it with actions. Their performance was so good that Mrs Sixsmith gave them ALL a Headteacher’s Award sticker!Β  Well done 4H!

KS2 Cross Country ?

On Wednesday 25th April, we took a whopping team of just under 80 children to the Telford and Wrekin School Sports Partnership’s first KS2 Cross Country event since the COVID pandemic. We were so proud of the levels of perseverance that were displayed by our children throughout a very physically demanding course.

Sports Captain Applications

Just a reminder that Sports Captain application letters for children in Years 3, 4, 5 or 6 need to be handed in to the school office by Friday. The new badges were delivered today ready for our new Sports Captains once they have been selected.

Animation! ??

Our new topic in Computing is Animation.

In today’s lesson, the children enjoyed using the software ‘2Animate’ on Purple Mash to create their own simple animations. They came up with lots of very interesting designs!


Chocolate tasting! πŸ«πŸ’•

As part of our Literacy work on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the children took part in a tasting session where they had to use descriptive language to describe the tastes and textures of a range of chocolate bars. Then, they used these ideas to invent their own chocolate bars! Well done, Year 4! πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€