Year 4 History: Anglo-Saxon Day

What a brilliant day of Anglo-Saxon activities with Portal to the Past!

The children have enjoyed games and stories from Anglo-Saxon Britain. They have researched religion, everyday life, kings and kingdoms. The children who chose to dress up looked brilliant in their costumes, which added to the atmosphere of the day. The children demonstrated our school values of respect, responsibility and perseverance throughout the day. Well done, Year 4!


French Breakfast Club

We had a lot of happy children at Breakfast Club before half term. Madame Sohier hosted a delicious French themed breakfast, with help from all the Breakfast Club staff.  The children had the chance to read French magazines and play French games, too. Tres Bien!

Year 4 RE Rosh Hashanah

Today, we learned about the Jewish festival of Rosh Hashanah. We know that it is a time when Jews remember the creation of the world. The day is referred to as ‘the birthday of the world’. It is a time when people think about their faults of the past year. It is the custom at home to eat pieces of bread and apple dipped in honey, this represents the hope for a ‘sweet’ new year. We really enjoyed trying it!


Musical Instruments! 🎷🎹🎸🎺🎹🎵🎶

In our Science lessons next Friday, Year 4 will be making their very own musical instruments made from recycled materials. Please can you bring in any suitable items from home. For example: plastic bottles, plastic tubs, elastic bands, empty tin cans and empty jars.

Please see the images below for inspiration:

Thanks in advance 😊

The Year 4 Team.

Just Credit Union ‘Deposit Day’

We are delighted to announce that our first Just Credit Union ‘Deposit Day’ will be held on the morning of Wednesday 31st January. Please bring in the money that you would like to deposit into your child’s account between 8am and 8:30am to the school office reception area.