Set 3 Letters and Sounds Online Games

Hi Set 3,

We always start our literacy lessons with some Letters and Sounds revision. Some of you with me and some of you with Mrs Humphries. Whichever group you are in, you can keep practising with the games on this website which is FREE during lockdown. Look out for Resources  – Phase 3 or above. They are far more interesting than me with my flashcards!

Have fun!

Mrs Holt 😊

RE Thursday 7th January

Hello! How are you all?

We hope you have enjoyed learning about the creation story so far.

Today is all about how we should care for God’s creation and look after the Earth. You’ll need a pencil and some colours to create your picture today. We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Mrs Holt, Mr Richards and Miss Rogers 🙂

RE Thursday 7th January


New Year’s resolutions

Good afternoon Year 4!

We really hope you are all keeping safe! In school we have written some of our New Year’s resolutions and I thought I would share some with you for inspiration, just in case you are stuck! I know it can be a tricky decision to make!

In school we had lots of different ones, from playing nicely with friends to handwriting and eating less sweets!

I hope this helps!

Miss Rogers

Pictograms in School!

Good Morning!

Yesterday our year 4 key worker pod created their own pictograms in maths and wanted to share them with the children at home! They made theirs about the eye colours of the children in their pod.

How did yours look? Remember, we would love to see any work you have completed at home as well!

Stay safe!

The Year 4 Team

RE : Wednesday 6th January

Today we are continuing our work on the creation story, with the part about Adam and Eve.

RE Wednesday 6th Jan

Adam and Eve

This is the story that you will need, in case you have any problems with the PowerPoint.


If you have access to a printer, you can cut out and colour the story pictures. Match them to the correct sentences to retell the story.


RE Tuesday 5th January


We are learning about the creation story (Genesis) which is in both the Bible and the Torah.  You will have heard the story before at school. The PowerPoint will tell you what to do. The resources are available below, too.

RE Tuesday 5th January



The main aim is to recap the story by watching the video below and then create a piece of art that shows the seven days of creation, so if you have trouble with the PowerPoint, you can still join in by creating a piece of art that shows what happened on each of the days.


Literacy 5.1.21

Hey everyone! We are starting the new year with some work on our basic skills.

1) Handwriting.

The PowerPoint below will tell you what to do.

Literacy Tuesday 5th January

If you are having any trouble accessing it, find a book at home (or magazine or newspaper etc) and choose two paragraphs to write out really neatly. Remember to form your letters correctly and join them up.  You can send a photo of your handwriting via email when you are finished, if you want to.

2) Reading

Make sure you read something today and make a note of it in your reading diary. It can be a book, comic, magazine, recipe book or something suitable online -whatever you have access to.




Good Morning, Year 4! 😊

Hello everyone! Happy New Year to you all!

Well, we were all looking forward to seeing your happy faces this morning and hearing all about your Christmas holiday. Although we can’t do that now, we can keep in touch in other ways.  We will be putting online learning on the website throughout the week to keep you busy at home, so watch this space! Remember it is really important to keep reading and learning your times tables, too.

You can also contact us at any time using the Year 4 email. We can answer any questions you may have. If you don’t have any questions, we would simply love to see your work!

Take care and stay safe,

from The Year 4 Team.


Times Tables Rock Stars

Congratulations to Samuel who is the latest winner of the Year 4 Times Tables Rock Stars award. Samuel has been working really hard at home improving his multiplication and division facts.