We hope you have all had lots of fun researching your scientists and conducting lots of exciting experiments!

I will attach the PDF’s with all the activities on again below, just in case you have missed them! If you have completed your year groups activities and want to do some more, feel free to dip into any other year groups resources or you could do them with your siblings!

Remember to share any photos or videos with us at

EY Bubbles

KS1 Paper Planes

Whole school spinners

y34 sundials and space

y56 Telephones

Two girls in year 5, Evie and Ruby, have sent us some photos already. Have a look at their super work below.


Super Scientists - Science Bulletin Board | Science bulletin ...

We can’t wait to see your photos and videos, St George’s!


REMINDER- Art Project

Hi everyone!

Just a reminder that the deadline for the ‘Artist in a Box’ competition is Friday 10th July. Please email photo evidence of your project to

The Arts Team will then judge the entries and announce a winner on the following Monday.

Good Luck!

Wildlife Week/ Art Week

This week (had everything been normal!) would have been ‘wildlife week’ and Art week! So I thought we could combine the two! Using natural resources (sticks, leaves, flowers etc.) create a picture/ sculpture/ model/ some form of art resembling wildlife. For example you could stick leaves onto paper to look like a hedgehog or you could make a stick model of a deer.

Send us in some photos as we would love to see what you have created!

Animals and their habitats

We have done some lovely work in the KS2 key worker pod about animals and their habitats. It has worked so well that we have decided to open it up to all children at home also. We started the week by looking at animal classifications, food chains and then habitats and how animals have adapted to survive there. The children were then set the task to create their own animal, the food chain for that animal, their habitat and how they had adapted to those surroundings!

I have attached all the resources that we used in school so feel free to use those if you wish. We would love to see some of the final designs!

variation sideways



Rainforest habitat



Here is also an extra reading comprehension that we did as it links to animals and their habitats. Garden Birds Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity


Morning everyone!

This week I have not attached any booklets so have found some useful activities on BBC bitesize- saves on printing! This week I have attached a series of maths challenges which you can complete, but please have a look at the website as they have more learning ideas too!

(The answers are at the bottom of the page!)

Wellbeing diary

Now we are coming out the other end (fingers crossed) of all this madness, I would really like to know how you are all feeling? Try to keep a diary this week on a piece of paper and every day write down how you are feeling, what you are worried about and what makes you feel happy. Keep this safe as it will be useful to reflect on!

As well as this, are you able to write down some advice for lockdown? Now you have been through it, are you able to write a guide for someone in case they ever had to go into lockdown? What could you do? What couldn’t you do? Where could you go? Who could you see? What happened with schools? Can you explain how you felt and then compare it to how you are feeling now? Remember the person might be feeling rather scared if they are ever in a position to need this advice- how could you reassure them?


Looking at reading and our comprehension skills, this week I have attached a David Walliams activity (I know a lot of you enjoy his books!). So there is a link below which takes you to a BBC bitesize page. There are some extracts of David himself reading one of his books, and then some follow up activities to practice those skills we have been working on in school!

Writing Challenge! ✏👸🐲

Ridiculous Writers | Young Writers

This week, we would like the children at home to get involved with our creative writing challenge! Each key stage will be given a different theme which will inspire them and give them a purpose for their writing.

PLEASE NOTE: This is not a competition. The aim of this challenge is to encourage creative writing.

Key Stage 2- Ridiculous Writers

We challenge you to write a mini saga (a story told in 100 words) inspired by a ridiculous word pairing e.g. a story about the ‘Gangster Bogey’, the ‘Singing Biscuit’ or the ‘Forgetful Chef’.

Start by watching this short video to introduce the activity and then use the online idea generator to create a crazy combo for your ridiculous story.


Below are some resources to help you with this task including a PowerPoint and a planning sheet.

Ridiculous Writes- PowerPoint Presentation

Crazy Combo Generator- Paper Version

Pupil Worksheet

Don’t forget to send a copy of your story to your year group email address. We can’t wait to read your children’s ridiculous writing!


If we were in school right now, we would have finished the Vikings (yes really!) and would be onto the Romans! So you have a project to complete this week all about the Romans. You can do it on a PowerPoint, make a booklet, write a fact file, anything you like to record as much information about the Romans and possible. Don’t forget to send in your work so we can see how wonderful all your learning has been!

I have attached some resources which you can use to help collect your information!

Roman Roads

Romulus and Remus

Roman Gods

Roman soldier powerpoint

Roman Mosaics Presentation

Maths and Literacy Booklets!

Morning, guys!

So as usual, this week’s maths and literacy booklets are here!

Maths is number and place value. This is an area which a lot of children find challenging and we revisit frequently! The children do know that they can label the columns into hundreds, tens, ones, etc. should this help them!


Literacy for this week is looking at speech marks!


As well as this, I have included the 100 spelling words that children learn throughout year 3 and 4. These are the same words we have set for weekly spellings and the children were being assessed on these regularly.

100 words assessment