Reading Activities!

We have really been pushing reading this year, with specific comprehension skills targeted every half term. (Set 2, can you remember what comprehension means?) Below is a list of reading activities the children could complete to target some different areas and really stretch their abilities.

  • Can you summarise into one sentence the story so far?
  • Predict what you think will happen next in the book? Why? What has given you these ideas?
  • Predict the ending of the story.
  • Rewrite the ending of your story. What would you do differently and why?
  • Could you write a story to follow on from this one? Or a new chapter to follow?
  • Choose a character and hot seat them. (Set 2, I know how much you love this one!)
  • Draw a picture of a character as you imagine them to look. Write qualities and characteristics around the outside. For example, are they friendly, grumpy, kind, upset, etc.
  • Create a story board of the story you have read, chunking key events.
  • Can you rewrite the story as if you were a different character. For example in the 3 bears story, imagine you are Goldilocks. How might she tell the story/ remember it?- This is recount writing so remember it is the 1st person!
  • Can you write a diary entry of one of the characters?
  • Can you draw what you think might happen next? Write why you think this.
  • Write a book review. Who is the book suitable for? Why? Would you recommend it and why? How many stars would you give it?

These are just a couple of ideas, but try to make sure you are still reading- ideally your 5 times a week, even if it is to yourself.


Last week we looked at emotional health and wellbeing by keeping a happiness journal. This week I would like you to draw a picture of yourself and around it, write some positive things that have happened because of lockdown. For example, you may have spent more time with family, learnt how to cook, learnt a new skill, maybe you’ve played football everyday!

I have attached a worksheet example to help if you need it!



I have seen lots of people painting stones in beautiful patterns and colours and then putting them outside for others to find and enjoy. Imagine being able to make someone else smile without even knowing about it! If you are able to do this at home, this would be a lovely activity to do! If you cannot, can you draw a picture to stick up? The idea is to produce something to make someone else smile and feel good!

Science Revision

As I am sure many of you will remember, we looked at ‘States of Matter’ in science earlier this year. Here is a sorting activity of different materials and objects into the states (solid, liquid, gas).

You could make your own list, add new or different objects or even draw out the particles and what they are doing (can you remember?).



Maths and Literacy Booklets

Good Morning, guys!

Here are this week’s maths and literacy booklets!

Maths is looking at Roman Numerals and again I have included the answers for parents. The children have learnt and revisited Roman Numerals so should have some knowledge but this was now a while ago!



Literacy is punctuation this week and looking at apostrophes for possession. Again the children have looked at this but it was an area which general needed a little more work!

Apostrophes for possession

Times Table Rockstars!

So I have been keeping a close eye on TTRS to see how the battles are going! We have had a battle in year 4, for all year 4 boys against all year 4 girls for the last 2 weeks to give everyone a chance to play! The scores are in…..

Boys scored: 19,212

Girls scored: 12,418

Which means this time, the BOYS WON!!! Well done year 4 boys! Don’t worry girls, there is another battle set so you can have a chance to change this for next time! The MVPs of the battle were:

  • James R
  • Ruby
  • Riley

Great jobs guys! Try and beat them if you can!


Set 2 also had a girls v boys battle this week and the scores were….

Boys: 6725

Girls: 3686

Meaning the boys have won again! Our MVPS were:

  • James
  • Kaycie-Lea
  • Owen

Great job, guys! There are more battles being set and we are checking!!!!

Staying Home Storybook

Andersen Press

Are you struggling to keep your child motivated with school work?

Here is a book that explores the struggles that come with staying at home. The book shows a family of raccoons going through a day in lock down. It touches on children’s responsibilities and how it is important to continue to do things like exercise and your school work! 

Staying Home By Sally Nicholls

Winnie and Wilbur Stay at Home 📖

Stay At Home (Winnie and Wilbur) by Valerie Thomas

Join Winnie and Wilbur in a brand-new stay-at-home adventure! With Wilbur’s fun ideas and a flick of Winnie’s wand, staying at home can be lots of fun.

Click on the link below to read the interactive eBook with your child.

Winnie and Wilbur Stay at Home