Home Learning 29.11.21

Good morning!

For those children that are completing their learning from home today we have the following:

Literacy:  Have a look at this reading comprehension. Pick the version appropriate for your set- eg. Set 1 try the 3 star comprehension, set 2 the 2 star and set 3 the 3 star. The answers are also included. t2-e-41429-ks2-all-about-plastic-pollution-differentiated-reading-comprehens_ver_8

Maths: Practice times tables!! There is currently a battle on TimesTable Rockstars!

R.E: We are looking at the fifth pillar of Islam.

Have a think about any places in the world that you would like to visit. Why? How could you get there?


Watch the video and listen carefully for the information. What is the pilgrimage? Why is it important to Muslims?

You make a poster detailing your thoughts and findings.


Have a lovely day!

Home Learning

Good morning,

We hope everyone is doing okay 🙂 This post is for those children completing some home learning in year 4 currently.


We have moved on to our Charlie and the Chocolate factory topic which has so far consisted of sweetie tasting (for description inspiration) and reading the book. If you have a copy of the book, you could try and read up to page 65 as this would help your work. We then thought of some adjectives and similes to describe the shopkeeper and how Charlie would be feeling eating chocolate bars. The following PowerPoints would help with this work and show the new spellings. 🙂

Thursday 18th November No Golden Ticket

Friday 19th November – New spellings



In maths we are now looking at length in our measures topic. We have been looking at mm, cm and m. How big are each one? What do we use them for?

We are moving forward now onto perimeter and the following PPTs would help with this also:

Perimeter on a grid

Recapping mm, cm and m

As well as this, there are battles on TimesTable Rockstars for the whole of year 4 to get involved in 🙂


Children in need:

We will be completing some mindfulness colouring, acrostic poems for Children in Need and even trying to make our own word search.



We hope you all have a lovely weekend 🙂

PE and PSHE Home Learning

As part of Wellbeing Week, we are asking children to think about the variety of food that they eat.  Lots of different coloured fruits and vegetables are a crucial part of a balanced diet. We would like children to create a rainbow of fruits and vegetables. Draw a rainbow and put appropriately coloured items in each section. E.G Carrots in the orange part. You could draw the foods, write them in, use pictures from magazines or even arrange the real thing and take a photo. (Ask permission before you raid the fruit bowl or cupboard though!)

You can also compete in these ACTIVE CHALLENGES…

Send your work to year4team@stgeorgesschool.org.uk

Year 4 need your recycling!

Next week, Year 4 will be taking part in two exciting topics that involve making things!  We are making mini greenhouses in Design Technology and sacred places in RE.  If you have any of the following items that you no longer need, please can you send them to school with your child by Tuesday 15th June.

  • shoeboxes/lids
  • large plastic bottles
  • plastic punnets (from strawberries etc)
  • fabric
  • wrapping paper
  • any other recycling that would be suitable for making models

Thank you so much for your support with this. We are really looking forward to sharing some photos of our finished projects with you!

Times Table Rockstars

Remember to keep practising your multiplication facts on TTRS over half term.

Can you answer in less than 6 seconds?

Challenge your friends!

Home Learning

Good morning,

For those of you that are learning from home today, we have attached the work we would have been completing in school 🙂


Maths: Thursday – Bus Stop

Literacy: How do we see

               Thursday – Reading Comprehension

Afternoon: We will be doing PE this afternoon so we suggest a Joe Wicks video on YouTube or your favourite JustDance songs.

Mindfulness: T-T-27979-British-Wildlife-Mindfulness-Colouring-Sheets


We hope you have a lovely day.

Easter Cross Competition


the children should have come home this week with a sheet for our Easter cross competition! If they have not or you need another sheet I will post the link below.

We look forward to seeing the children’s work and how creative they can be! Entries need to be handed in to the class teacher by Monday 29th March! we will then select one winner from each year group.

Good luck! Easter cross competition


As our latest round of home school comes to an end, we wanted to thank you all for your hard work – children, parents and carers!  You have done a tremendous job!

Our Stars of the Week, from home and school, are:

🎇 Grace      🎇 Chloe-Ann     🎇 Liberty

See you all next week! 😊