Mindfulness 22.2.21

We know that settling back into school after a half term can be a challenge so have a try at these mindfulness doodles. You are given some shapes, what can you turn them into? How can you make them into something better?

Mindfulness Doodling sheets


Literacy 22.2.21

Today’s literacy is a reading comprehension. I know some of the children find comprehension a challenge so I have created a PowerPoint which should help, if you feel you need it- feel free to just go for it without the PowerPoint though!


Reading comprehension

Weekly timetable!

Good morning and welcome back!

Attached in this week’s timetable that we will be working from in school. Please feel free to use it for your home learning if it helps!

Timetable updated

11.2.21 Maths

Angles in Shapes

Watch this video to remind yourself of the things we have learned this week. (It goes into detail about the degrees inside shapes – but don’t worry too much about that yet.)


Have a go at the activity below:

Quadrilateral Angles Activity Sheet Thursday

If you are really confident and fancy an extra challenge:

Horizontal Format Acute and Obtuse Angles Thursday Challenge (1)

(Here are the answers…)

Horizontal Format Acute and Obtuse Angles Thursday Challenge Answers (2)



11.2.21 Literacy

Today, you will become a Roman soldier!

Using your research from yesterday, we would like you to put yourself in the shoes of a Roman soldier in Britain and write a diary entry as that soldier.

Remember to

  • write in the first person (use I and we)
  • describe the jobs that you have been doing (collecting taxes, guarding forts, marching, training, fighting)
  • talk about some of the objects that you have (armour, sandals, money, food, weapons)
  • include some thoughts and feelings (E.G. Britain was cold and they were far from home)

You could start like this:

Dear Diary, 

Today has been another typical day in my legion. 

10.2.21 Literacy – Research a Roman Soldier’s Life

We are really enjoying the Roman topic in school, and we hope you are too. Your task today is to find out as much as you can about a Roman soldier’s life. We will be turning your research into a diary entry on Thursday, so find out as much as you can!

Here are some links to get you started:




You will need to remember the things that you find out, so try making some notes or labelled drawings of the information.