Multiplication Facts

At school, we have lots of different ways to learn our times tables. These videos show you a few ways to work out your 9 times table.  How many of them do you know? Which one would help you the most?



The Rapping Unicorn and other times tables songs can be found on the BBC website.

Here are some activity sheets to print:

9 x table worksheets

This website has lots of good ideas for learning your times tables. Choose a method that suits you and use it to learn a times table that you find tricky.

Geography 28.1.21

Today I would like you to complete a sorting activity. I do not mind if you write it out or cut and stick, but you need to decide if the following statements are true or false!


The second part of today’s geography is entirely up to you how involved you want to get! I have attached a reciepe for you to create your own volvanic eruption! Woohoo! You will need washing up liquid, vinegar, a plastic cup, baking soda and red food colouring.

Make Your Own Volcano Science Activity

Feel free to create any kind of volcano shaped mould (last year we had lots of paper mache, although we do understand how different things are this year so please don’t feel any pressure) or simply in the plastic cup will work!

Have fun!!!

Literacy 28.1.21

Morning everyone!

This morning you will be pleased to know, you are not working from our story! We will be writing fact files instead.

You can pick any volcano at all in the world! The choice is entirely yours! You will need to include:

  • How tall is the volcano?
  • Where is the volcano?
  • When did the volcano last erupt?
  • Is the volcano active?
  • A drawing or picture of the volcano

Obviously you can add more to the volcano should you wish to but these are the  minimum requirements for your factfile.

I have attached some examples to help- feel free to use any information from these if it helps!


Please send any of these in as we would love to see how you get on!

Geography 27.1.21

Today we are going to have a look at some specific volcanoes. To begin with,  there is a labelling activity. This will require you to research locations of volcanoes. There are 3 sheets to complete, each with answers for you to check how you have done. You may feel super brave and label everything on one map!!


Then have a look at this presentation:

Lesson Presentation More Volcanoes

This tells you more about different types of volcano and also starts looking at life on/ nearby a volcano. Your task now is to create some for and against arguments for living near a volcano.

Volcanoes For and Against Cards

Can you add any extra points? Have a think about the story we have been looking at in Literacy, does that give you any extra ideas?

Literacy 27.1.21

Good morning!

Looking at our story again today I would like you to reread up to slide 18.

Pack of Pompeii

From this point I would like you to write an alternative ending. Remember this time, you will be writing as if you are the dog in the book. Try to think about what the would be thinking and how it would be feeling.


We look forward to reading these!

Geography! 26.1.21

Today in Geography we are going to be looking at how volcanoes are made!

Lesson Presentation Volcanoes

Have a look at the PowerPoint. It includes an activity where you will need two pieces of paper to act as tectonic plates. What happens during this activity?

Have a look at the following activity. It is differentiated so SEND children have a more structured version. Set 1 and 2 should really be looking at writing their own explanation paragraphs. I have also attached the answers as I know parents had been asking for these previously.

How a Volcano Is Made Activity Sheet


Then moving on towards looking at the tectonic plates in more detail:


Then complete the following tectonic plate work:


t-g-199-tectonic-plates-jigsaw-puzzle-activity_ver_1 (SEND)

Literacy 26.1.21

Good morning!

Today we will be working from the same book as yesterday. Have a quick recap of the story from yesterday. Can you remember much? Can you explain to someone else what happened?

Yesterday you wrote down what you thought it would be like to experience a volcanic eruption. You also noticed that the storyteller was in fact a dog!! Today you are going to rewrite the story from a human perspective. This means that you are writing as if you were there and you are a person. You will need to think about how you would feel, what you would see, what you would smell, what you would say etc.

I have attached the story again just in case you need it!

Pack of Pompeii

Literacy 25.1.21

Good Morning Year 4!

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend! This week we are going to be looking at VOLCANOES!!!

To start off our new topic I have found you a story about volcanoes. We will be looking at and working from this all week so make sure you read it thoroughly!

Pack of Pompeii

Once you have read it, I would like you to have a think about the following questions:

  • Who is telling the story?
  • What are 2 legs?
  • How does the story make you feel about volcanoes?

On a piece of paper, draw/ write what you think it would be like to experience a volcanic eruption! Keep this safe as you will need it for tomorrow’s work!


Bonus work:

I know some of you have been ultra keen so I have found an extra comprehension on volcanoes. Please do not feel as though you have to complete this though- this is just an extra!


Geography 25.1.21

We are moving on to volcanoes in our Geography topic this week which is very exciting!

To begin with, close your eyes and ask a grown up to read the script below to you. It will take you on a journey, being lowered beneath the ground. What are the different layers of the earth?

Underground Explorer Script

Hopefully that journey showed you lots of different parts of the earth! Have a look at this powerpoint which goes through exactly what is under our feet!

Lesson Presentation Under Our Feet

Using this powerpoint, can you complete the following cross section of the world?Inside the Earth activity sheet


Bonus Activity:

Please do not feel that you need to complete this part, it is simply an added extra for those that feel they want to do a little more! We do understand not everyone will have the equipment handy!

Make a Model Earth Activity Instructions Sheet