Week 3 Timetable

Good morning, Year 4!

We know that some of you enjoy keeping an eye on what the week ahead looks like so we have attached this week’s overview.


Please do not feel that you have to stick to it strictly, but we know the timetable can help sometimes! 🙂

The Year 4 Team

Martin Luther King Day

Good morning everyone!

Today is Martin Luther King Day. Use this child friendly video on BBC Bitesize to educate your child on who he was and his significance.

Dr Martin Luther-King talking into a microphone.

For more information, go through this short PowerPoint.

Who was Martin Luther King Jr?

Now have a good at the activity below. Draw a portrait on Martin Luther King and then write some of your dreams. These could be personal dreams and goals or goals for society as a whole.

Click on this link to watch a tutorial.

Martin Luther King Art Project

Martin Luther King Jr. portrait art lesson for kids using watercolor paints

Don’t forget to send in a photo of your art work to your year group email.

Have a lovely day 🙂









Extra Activities

If you want some activities to keep you busy, or a little extra learning to keep your brain ticking over, take a look at these:

Emoji Codebreaking  Use the clues to find the calculations.

Colour the words  If you can read it and spell it, colour it in. If you can’t, try to learn it.


Literacy 18.1.21

Today we are trying something a but different.  We have been trying out some of The Write Stuff lessons for a while in Year 4. Join in with Mrs C to write some really super sentences. Don’t be put off if you find it tricky. Work at your own level. Pause the video if you need to.


SCIENCE 18.1.21

This week we are continuing our work on states of matter -solids, liquids and gases – using the Oak Academy lessons. These lessons contain quizzes (before and after sometimes), a video and worksheets to complete. The worksheets use up a lot of paper, if you are printing, so have a look first. There may things that you can copy out instead.


If there are any parts you are not sure about, have a look on BBC Bitesize (Search for ‘States of Matter’) for extra information.


Congratulations to all of Year 4 for another successful week of learning, at home and in school. We are very proud of all of you! 🙂

This week, our Star of the Week awards go to:


Tyler H


Who will it be next week? It could be YOU!

RE: Friday 15th January

Today we are finding out about the Jewish tradition called Shabbat.  Read the information and follow the links to find out all about it.

Shabbat Information

Shabbat PowerPoint


The activity is identify each part of the tradition. If you have a printer, you can cut out and stick the labels onto the correct pictures. If you don’t, you could draw and label each part of the tradition instead.

Shabbat labelling activity


Literacy: Thursday 14th January

Hi Year 4,

Yesterday, you drew a place and labelled it with useful words. Today we want you to turn your picture into a description of that place. Imagine you are setting a story there. Tell your reader what the place is like. Use your senses -touch, sight, smell, hearing to help you describe it.  Explain why it is such a good place to visit. Remember to write in full sentences with accurate punctuation.

The link below will help you. Watch it before you begin.


If you need more help, use this writing frame with key words. It describes a zoo.

Thursday Describe a Place


Science: Thursday 14th January

Watch the video about states of matter. If you wanted to, and it was safe to do so, you could try them at home but ASK AN ADULT TO HELP YOU.  Please do not use a cooker by yourself. It is dangerous.

Alternatively, why not carry out your own investigation? Use an ice cube tray to investigate the freezing point of liquids.  Put different liquids into each compartment of the ice cube tray E.G Cola, water, oil. Which one will freeze the fastest?

If you already have some ice cubes, place them in different places to see which one melts the fastest (remember to put them in a dish or on a plate though!). Try putting them on the windowsill, in the garden or in the fridge. Predict what will happen when you begin and see if you are right at the end.