‘King of the Birds’ story

Since we have been reading about birds this week, I thought you might like this. This story has been recorded by Jay, one of the outdoor education teachers at Arthog. (Usually our Year 6 children go there for a 5 day adventure -when there aren’t so many germs around.!) It’s a lovely story, and he tells it really well. Near the end, there is a chance to pause the video and make up your own ending. You can write it, draw it or tell it to someone – or you can simply enjoy it, like I did!

If you do finish the story or draw a picture to go with it -send it to us. We would love to see it!



Literacy: Wednesday 13th January

Hello Year 4!

Today, there is no need to print anything off. We would like you to draw a picture of your favourite place and label it with nouns and adjectives to describe it.  You could draw your bedroom, garden, somewhere you have been on holiday…it’s up to you!

Then label the things (nouns) that you can see and words to describe those things (adjectives).  Think of as many as you can because tomorrow we will be writing descriptions of places and this task will really help you.

Challenge -Try to include some adverbs and prepositions in your labelling.

Watch these first and try the activities to help you:




We are really looking forward to finding out about your favourite places so please email your work to us at this address:


Literacy: Tuesday 12th January

Grammar – Word Classes

Today we are learning about nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs using the Oak Academy Video below. We have done these in school before so you should be able to keep up well.  It’s a good excuse to get your coloured pens or pencils out, too, if you have them.


In addition, go on a hunt around your home. Make a chart, list or table to show your findings. Can you find:

  1. Nouns – people, places or things (Mum, garden, book)
  2. Adjectives that describe your nouns (tired Mum, cold garden, interesting book)
  3. Verbs – things that people are doing (eating, talk)

If you want even more, try this:

Tuesday year-3-and-4-colour-by-word-class-sentences-_ver_3




Home Learning Timetable


Hello, Year 4! We know that some of you like to know what we will be doing in advance. Some of you also like to plan your learning out.  The timetable above is only a suggestion. Feel free to move the lessons around during the day and be flexible with it. Do what is right for you.  If you don’t find it useful, don’t worry. Everyone is different and that’s OK.

RE: Monday 11th January

Today, we are learning about the Jewish New Year, known as Rosh Hashanah.

Read the information and carry out some research of your own to find out more about it.

Rosh Hashanah PowerPoint


Literacy: Monday 11th January

Reading Comprehension – Garden Birds.

Read the text and answer the questions. (The answers are included too, in case you get stuck, but try to do it without peeking!)

There are 3 levels of difficulty so you can choose the one that is right for you. (3 stars is the most challenging.) If you are printing, you will only need to print some of the pages.

Garden Birds Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity

If you are in Mrs Holt’s set, you might want to use this text instead.

Monday Set 3

Do your best, everyone!

Show us your work!

Year 4,

We know lots of you are working hard at home. 👏👏👏

If you would like any help with the tasks, some feedback on your learning (or even just

to show us something cool that is nothing to do to with school), you can email us using the address below:


We really do enjoy hearing from you!

The Year 4 Team ☺

Remote Wellbeing Pack – Whole School

Hi everyone,

We hope your first week of home learning has gone smoothly. From next week onwards, we will be popping on a weekly Wellbeing Pack with suggestions of daily activities to help promote positive mental health and wellbeing.

Here is next week’s pack:

Week 2 Wellbeing Pack – Whole School

You don’t need to print the pack off – you could use the templates to copy on to a plain piece of paper. There are also some links on the pictures for Monday and Tuesday.

We’d love to hear how you get on!

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Evans 🙂

RE Friday 8th January

What can we learn about God from the creation story?

Now we know the story, we can use it to give us ideas about what God is like.  For example, to have made such a wonderful, unique world, God must be creative and by sharing it with us, he might be showing his generosity or kindness.

Think of some words to describe God and explain your choices.

RE Friday 8th January