Year 4 Chef visit

Today, Year 4 have been incredibly lucky to have had a special visit from Chef Caldora. The children learnt all about the Eatwell guide and why it is important to eat a healthy diet. After the children took part in a food tasting activity which allowed them to focus on the different types of taste buds: sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami. The children had a fantastic time and tried some new foods such as samphire and chicory. Chef Caldora also got the children to consider how our eyes can make us perceive foods in different ways, through different flavoured vegetarian jellies. We all loved being chefs for the day!


Year 4 Science experiment

This week in Year 4, we have looked at non-Newtonian liquids. As scientists, we discovered that these non-Newtonian liquids behave like both a solid and a liquid. We found it fascinating and it was a very messy lesson… but lots of fun!

Year 4 Self-Portraits

We have had a fantastic first few days back. As part of our week, we have been artists. We worked hard to follow the step-by-step guide to draw our self-portraits. We are incredibly proud of them.

Year 4 STEM Project for Science Week

Year 4 children learned about the work of design engineers and then had a go at building their own bridges.

Year 4 DT Food Technology Homework

Year 4 have been working hard to create healthy meals and snacks for their DT homework.  We have loved seeing the photographs of all your delicious food!  Thank you all for your support with this homework. Great job!

Year 4 Educational Visit to Sikh Gurdwara on Monday 1st July

This is a reminder that we are visiting the gurdwara in Priorslee tomorrow. We will leave school at approximately 9.15 and return in time for our usual school lunch arrangements, although we will be offered a meal at the gurdwara, so some children may eat less from their lunchbox or school dinner than usual.

Please rest assured that while we gently encourage children to try the food at the gurdwara, the decision about what they would like to try is entirely up to them. Dietary requirements have also been taken into account.

Children need to:

  • wear school uniform
  • be appropriately prepared for the walk there, whatever the weather! (Sun protection/coat etc). Comfortable shoes or trainers for walking must be worn.
  • bring a headscarf/bandana/ snood to cover their head in the gurdwara
  • bring a water bottle

We are really looking forward to the visit. It forms an important part of our RE curriculum and is always such a memorable highlight of the year!   Thank you for your support with this visit.

The Year 4 Team 🙂

Year 4 Maths Telling the time

Year 4 have all been learning about time recently. Set 3 were keen to show their learning using this brilliant matching game!

Year 4 History Anglo-Saxons and Vikings

We have been historians in Year 4. We used secondary sources to find out about the past. We compared Anglo-Saxon and Roman times using our concepts: invasion, settlement, empire, monarchy, civilisation and religion. We used a timeline to see how the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings overlapped in Britain.