Dog’s Trust Assembly

This week, we have welcomed Alison from Dog’s Trust into our assemblies to talk to the children about how to keep safe around dogs.

The children have learnt that if they want to stroke a dog that they see out in public, they must:

  • Ask the owner- it is very important to get permission first.
  • Ask the dog- the children know to stand with their hands by their sides.
  • Wait for the dog to come to you- if the dog doesn’t it means that they don’t want to be stroked.
  • Always stroke the dog on the side of their body so they can see what is happening.
  • Always stroke dogs gently.

The children have also learnt what to do if they are scared when a dog comes up to them.

  • Never run away, always stand still as the dog may think it is a game.
  • Anything that you might have in your hands that a dog may like, throw it away on the floor.
  • Cross your arms so that they cannot sniff your hands.
  • Don’t look at the dog.

See if your child can remember what to do around dogs that they see out and about!

Art and History: Roman Mosaics

The children had a lot of fun using technology to design their own modern day mosaics after researching Roman ones!

RE A visitor from the Shropshire Islamic Foundation.

These beautiful letters are in the post to Telford Central Mosque to thank Sulaiman for visiting our school. The children had lots of questions about the 5 Pillars of Islam to ask him. They listened respectfully with great interest. We all learned a lot more about our RE topic as a result.

Christingle Poem

This lovely acrostic poem was written independently by one of our children after we made Christingles this year.

Christ is the Light of the World

Help people who need help

Remember the day that Christ was born

I want to help people by doing a good deed

Support people when they need it

They are different parts of you

I hope Christ protects you on your journey

No ear may hear his coming

Go to church and pray

Lay on the cross was Christ

Everyone celebrates Him at Christmas

Christmas Stockings! ??⭐

A huge well done to all of Year 4 for their amazing Design and Technology work making their very own Christmas stockings! They all showed excellent perseverance practising their sewing skills. They are all very proud of their work!

Santa Dash! 🎅❤

A big well done to all children in Year 4 who dressed up for the ‘Santa Dash’ – you all look amazing! 😃

Joyeux Noël! ??⭐

The children in 4W loved their French lesson yesterday with Mrs Underwood. They worked so hard and presented their work beautifully in their books.









Très bien! ??

Christingles ?

In today’s RE lesson, we made our own Christingles. We know that they are used in some Christian churches during the time of Advent. Prayers for people in need are said and songs are sung. During the service, the candles on the Christingles are lit and all the lights are turned off. Christians think about the hope that the light of Jesus brings to the world.

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Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera


Las Posadas 🕯

This week, we have been learning about Las Posadas.🕯  It is a Mexican tradition carried out during the build up to Christmas. 🎄  People get together to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. We have listened to the story and made our own Christmas wish ✨

Congratulations! ✨

Well done to Vanessa for being nominated as our Junior Road Safety Officer in 4W!

You will be amazing in this role 😃❤

Digital Camera