Romans, Romans, Romans!

We are well and truly underway with our new history topic! The children have been comparing and contrasting Claudius and Julius Caesar and their invasion of Britain. Were they successful in all areas? We also discussed key terms such as conquered and boundaries. A supper effort by all of the Year 4 pupils! Well done!

Photos/videos for Christmas Performances/Carol Concerts

We know as proud parents and carers you may want to take photos/videos of your child performing in the Christmas performances/carol concerts. However, please note that a number of parents have not consented to photos being taken of their children in school and some of our children are currently in care.

Therefore, the taking of photos/videos does cause the school some safeguarding concerns.

Please can we ask that if you do take photos/videos please try to only take images of your own children where possible and do not post images of other children on your social media. Thank you for your support with this.

Computing – ‘Beware, malware’.

This week in computing we have been learning all about malware. The children have used purple mash to explore ‘slideshows’ all about Malware. We had some excellent discussions around how to stay safe online, what adverts offer and how they are used to access personal information. We then typed our own ideas into a word document about what we understood from our learning, and then shared these ideas with our partners. A super effort from all the children! Well done Year 4!

Year 4.5 Football ⚽

Our Year 4.5 footballers absolutely loved their 5-a-side football match at Grange Park Primary School last night. It was a brilliant end-to-end match under the floodlights on their 3G playing surface. Thank you Mr James for hosting and refereeing.

Design a Watch Competition

A ‘Design a Watch’ competition has been launched today in school with a number of analogue watches on offer as prizes for the winning entries. Please ask your child’s class teacher for an entry form if your child would like to enter. Please can completed entries be handed in to Mrs Morris or Mr Porteous by Wednesday 23rd November. Thank you for your support and good luck.

Y4 Science Non-Newtonian liquids

Year 4 had lots of fun yesterday exploring non-Newtonian liquids.  We mixed cornflour and water to make a ‘slime’ which behaves like a liquid until it is put under pressure, then it becomes solid.  The children loved watching the video of a man walking on custard, too. (We didn’t try this in school!)

Social Media Kindness Day

Today is ‘Be kind online day’.

This is an annual event that takes place every November.


On Monday, Mrs Croft, one of our DSL’s and also one of the computing co-ordinators, took assemblies with both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.

We talked about kindness being one of our very important school values. We discussed how important it is to treat others with kindness- both in person and online.

We also discussed being an upstander and not standing by when others make hateful remarks both in person and online.

The children listened carefully and responded well to some key messages about online behaviour.

We post regular information in the online section of our website to help you navigate the tricky subject of what your children may be up to online.

As always, feel free to speak to us if you have any concerns.