Multiplication Tables Check: Information for Parents

Next week, all children in Year 4 will be taking part in the Multiplication Tables Check. The children have been working very hard to learn as many times tables as they can.  For more information, click on the link below:

Fieldwork Week

It is fieldwork week in school.

Fieldwork is research or study that happens in the real world. We can observe and get data about people, the natural environment and cultures.

This year the theme is ‘Environment’. Everything physical on Earth is part of an environment. This can include living and non-living things.

People can make changes to the environment. Some can be good changes. Some might be harmful to living things.

Things to think about:

What is your favourite part of the school grounds?

What is your favourite part of around your home?

Is it a good environment for wildlife? If so / not why?

Is there much litter or pollution?

The children will be doing fieldwork activities this week.



23 Acts of Kindness! ❤

As part of our whole school project in celebration of the King’s Coronation, the children have decorated biscuits for someone special as part of the ’23 Acts of Kindness’. ??


Gardening! ??????

Some of the children in Year 4 have been helping Mrs Humphries to improve the ‘Quiet Area’ on the junior playground. They have been planting seeds and making bird feeders. They are looking forward to painting rocks next week! ??

Printing! ???

In Art this week, we have been making impressed prints using polymer blocks. ?

Coding Club! ?

A huge well done to the children in Year 4 from Coding Club. They have been working really hard to produce amazing animations using the software 2Animate on Purple Mash ?

Mental Health Week!??

As part of Mental Health Week, we thought about our support network and who we could talk to if we feel down, upset or anxious. The children created some lovely pieces of work! Well done Year 4 ???

Mathsframe Website

We have recently purchased a subscription to a website called ‘Mathsframe’ where our children can log-in to access a wide range of games to play at home.

Your children will be bringing home the username and password soon that they will require to access all of the games that are available.


Walk to School Week | Living Streets

This week at St George’s we will be promoting Walk to School Week.

This is a five-day walking challenge that begins on Monday 15th of May. It encourages children to travel actively to school every day of the week. This could be walking, cycling or scooting to school. If it is not possible to walk the distance, you could ‘park and stride,’ which means parking further than you normally would and walking the rest of the way. 

During the week, the children will meet various animals and they’ll learn about the important reasons to walk and the difference it can make for individuals, communities and the planet! Each animal will educate the children on one of the following reasons: Inclusion, Sustainability, Health, Mindfulness and Friendship.

Good luck!