5TP Ukuleles

5TP started our block of 10 weeks of ukulele lessons this morning!

The children enjoyed learning different strumming patterns 🙂

Year 5 Skipping

Year 5 were the first Year group to have a go at Skip2BFit earlier this week. They listened carefully to the instructions and everyone had a really good go at this tricky skill! Children have also been practising at lunchtimes! Keep up the good work Year 5.

Welcome back!

Mrs Swan, Mrs Holt and Mrs Tidman-Poole have loved seeing all of your smiling faces back in school! Please remember, we’ll test your new spellings on Friday and your homework is due in on Wednesday 🙂

Parents – your children should have their reading record now and we’ll be counting reads on Friday morning. We’re all aiming for at least 5 reads!

Y5 Sports Day!

Well done to all of the children who took part in a wonderful Sports Day. You all supported each other beautifully and we couldn’t be prouder of the efforts you made.

Bastille Day in Year 5

We enjoyed some brioche, boules and colour by numbers French style in celebration of Bastille Day!

Year 5 Recycling Homework

Here’s just a few more examples of the incredible effort put into our homework this week. The brief was to make a piece of artwork from waste around the home.

Well done Year 5!

Y5 D&T – Ploughman’s Lunch 🧀

This week, Year 5 have started their Great British Dishes topic. We started with English National Dishes and looked at the history behind a Ploughman’s lunch.

The children taste tested cheeses, breads and pickles!

Y5 British Science Week

This week is British Science Week and our focus was ‘Astronomers’.

Take a look at our magnificent work….