Year 5 Girls’ Cricket Tournament

These Year 5 girls made some fantastic progress during a cricket tournament today. We are so proud of their attitude and willingness to give a completely new game a good try! We even hit some 6s!

Y5 Science- plant life cycles

As part of a science topic, Life Cycles, we have been studying the life cycle of flowering and non-flowering plants. We spent the afternoon looking at plants around the school grounds and we took cuttings to then try and grow our own plants. We were very lucky that Miss Rodenhurst brought in some plants that she has propagated and she explained the process and showed us some videos.

Year 5 spellings 10.5.24

Spellings for the week:


Set 1: sincere, stomach, twelfth, soldier, suggest, system, vegetable, variety, vehicle, immediate

Set 2: sincere, stomach, twelfth, soldier, suggest, system, vegetable, variety

Set 3: sincere, stomach, twelfth, soldier, suggest, system

Y5 R.E. Changing the World

This week in RE, we have discussed how our values and beliefs could help change the world. The children discussed the world we live in now and things they’d like to change about it. They also reflected on the charity work of Christian Aid and Islamic relief and the values these charities must hold.


Year 5 Lifecycles Walk

On Friday afternoon, Year 5 took a stroll around a local lake to look for evidence of lifecycles. We saw lots of examples of plant lifecycles, ducks sitting on their nests and even some fluffly baby ducklings! All children were incredibly well behaved and thankfully it didn’t rain!

Y5 Incredible Homework- River Severn Project

Well done to everyone who went above and beyond with this week’s homework project all about the River Severn. We have received a variety of work from Powerpoints and models to poems and paintings. Here are just a few examples:



World Art Day

On Monday 15th April it was World Art Day. To celebrate this we had a special assembly for both KS1 and KS2 where we learnt that World Art Day is on Leonardo Da Vinci’s birthday. During the Assembly, every child had a piece of paper and a pencil and we drew our own Zentangles. We looked at different lines that can be used and different ways to use them. The children really enjoyed the assembly and drew some beautiful Zentangles.


Y5 Limericks ✍️

This week we have been writing limericks as part of our poetry unit. 

Read some of our limericks below:

There once was a boy with a black dress
That cleans every hotel room of their mess
He brings food every morning
He was tired and yawning
He wished he was less and less.
By Benjamin


There once was a furious cat
He was angry and sat on the mat
The cat was so vicious
But very ambitious
And ate too much food and got fat.
By Oscar


There once was an old grumpy man
Who loved to get a nice tan
He was reading a book
Then smelled something to cook
So he ate all the food from the pan.
By Elizabeth

What is a limerick? | Twinkl Parenting Wiki - Twinkl

Year 5 Micro:bit club

We had a fantastic start to our coding club tonight with some Micro:bit exploration. The children learnt how to turn them on, connect them to the laptops and then write simple code to change the display and make them play music. We’re already excited to see what we can learn next week.

Y5 Perimeter & Area

This week we started learning about a new area of maths, perimeter and area!

All 3 sets have excelled and worked incredibly hard. They have used excellent mental arithmetic skills to calculate their answers.