Y5 Resilience Assembly 💪

This morning, Year 5 were lucky enough to have one of our school governors in to talk to us about resilience as part of Children’s Mental Health Week. Fliss explained what resilience is and all about ‘filling our cups back up’. She also gave us all a sticker which was our ‘Power Button’ for when we feel we need a boost.

Just Credit Union ‘Deposit Day’

We are delighted to announce that our first Just Credit Union ‘Deposit Day’ will be held on the morning of Wednesday 31st January. Please bring in the money that you would like to deposit into your child’s account between 8am and 8:30am to the school office reception area.

Arthog information Powerpoint 2024

A huge thankyou to those who attended the Arthog information meeting after school today. Here is the presentation that was delivered by Myself and Miss Hedges.

Arthog 2024

If your child is interested in going to Arthog, then a deposit of £30 is required by Friday 1st March 2024. Further details will be issued after all the deposits have been collated by the office.

Mr Perry and Miss Hedges

Library Visit

Today, we were lucky to have Rachel, a special visitor from the SouthWater library in Telford, lead assemblies for both KS1 and KS2. Rachel shared valuable information about our local libraries, including how to get a library card and access books. She also explained the number of books we can borrow at once and how long we can keep them.

In the assembly, Rachel highlighted upcoming events at the library, like craft sessions, and she answered all the children’s questions. Rachel’s visit sparked lots of curiosity and enthusiasm about the wonderful world of libraries!

Y5 Science- Dissolving 🧪

This week, we have learned about dissolving. We conducted an investigation  to find out which materials dissolve and which don’t. We mixed different solids into water such as sugar, flour and coffee.  We learned new words such as ‘solute’ and ‘insoluble’.