RE Charities

Our RE topic is Charity Work.

Here are some activities for you. You could work through them in order, or pick your favourites.

  1. How many different charities can you name? Write a list and see how long you can make it. E.G. Cuan Wildlife, Comic Relief…
  2. Consider: Why do we need charities? What work do they do? What would happen without them? Write down your thoughts or discuss it with a helpful adult.
  3. There is a saying:  Be the change you want to see in the world.   What does that mean? Design a poster to spread that message.
  4. Choose a charity to research. Find out who they help, why they do it, how they help etc. You can choose how to present your research: Powerpoint, poem, writing, poster.
  5. Invent your own charity. What would it do? Can you think of a name for your charity? How would you raise money?
  6. Design an advert for a real charity or your own charity. Plan what you would like to say. Act it out. Maybe you could record it?

Kindness Project- please take part!

Hosted by the Mental Health Foundation, Mental Health Awareness Week will take place nationally from 18-24th May 2020. The theme is ‘kindness’ which fits in really well with our school values. We want to celebrate all the wonderful acts of kindness around us, that are so important to our mental health, by asking you all to email in photos of acts of kindness you have seen or are doing, create a picture, write a poem or a pretend newspaper article. Anything you like to celebrate kindness!

Kindness work to be emailed into school by Wednesday 20th May please to

If you would like to know more, please click on this link which takes you to the Mental Health Foundation’s website.


Plastic Pollution Project!


This week, we would like you to do some research about plastic pollution, especially pollution in our oceans.

You could think about:

  • Where plastic pollution is
  • Why it happens
  • What effects it has on wildlife
  • How we can stop it

You can present your findings in any way you like… some ideas could be:

  • A PowerPoint
  • A video of you talking
  • A fact file
  • A picture
  • A poem
  • A report

We would love to see your work! You can email pictures or files to us at

We will be awarding prizes for the best projects 😊

Have fun! 😊😊😊

Week beginning 11th May – Measures

This week we are going to have lots of fun measuring practically!

Hopefully the weather will stay nice so you can do some of your measuring outside.

Activity ideas – Length

  1. Measure the area of your bedroom. Use a tape measure or any other measuring tools you have at home to measure the length and width of your room. Now use long multiplication or a calculator to x the two numbers together to find the area.
  2. Use a tape measure to measure the perimeter or your garden, add up the length of the sides.
  3. Make a ramp and then measure how far different cars travel. You could use different materials on the ramp to see if they effect how far the car travels.


  1. Collect a variety of containers, now estimate how much liquid you think each will hold and then measure accurately using a measuring jug (ask and adult and be careful with this).
  2. Can you make a potion/perfume/special drink containing different liquids? Write a recipe for others to follow with how many ml of each liquid is needed.


  1. You could bake something with your family, this involves lots of weighing of different ingredients. Maybe you could create or adapt your own recipe.
  2. If you have bathroom scales use these to weigh a variety of objects around your home.
  3. If any of you do not have scales in the home, you could estimate how heavy and object is and compare with other objects.

After you’ve had a go at some of the practical activities, have a look at these worksheets which contain the sort of questions you will see in assessments.



And finally for those who like a super challenge, some Year 6 worded problems.

Year 6 Measurement Solve Problems Units of Measure Maths Mastery Challenge Cards


Government Announcement 10.5.20

As I am sure you will have heard this evening, the Government are putting into place for Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 to return to school after half term. As a school, we do not know anymore than that at this moment in time. Please allow us time to be sent further guidance and we will communicate with you as soon as we know more.

Please note that current arrangements still stand where we are only able to have the children of existing key workers and those with a social worker in school. Again, we will let you know as soon as possible if this position changes.

Thank you very much for your understanding.

Week beginning 11th May 2020

Week 3 of spellings with silent letters.











Spelling shed!

We are top of the school! Set 1 are top, set 3 are 2nd and set 2 are 3rd.

Well done to Georgia R who has taken the top spot! Olly B you are very very close though, only 2000 behind, can you take over the top spot?


Happy VE day everyone!

All your teachers would like to wish you all a very happy day celebrating the 75th anniversary of VE day. We can’t wait to see the photos of your outfits, work you have created, decorations and your celebrations today on the videos school are creating. Don’t forget to email them in to the school admin email address.

Remember to stay safe and have lots and lots of fun 🙂

Mrs McEvoy, Mrs Holt, Mrs Branford and Mr Blair x

Thank you :)

We just wanted to say a big thank you to all the children’s families who have emailed us the work they have been doing at home. It is so lovely to see how you are all getting on with your work but also to see your smiling faces and hear how you are.

A special well done to Szabina who has shown us lots of the work she has been doing at home!

Take care everyone 🙂

Mrs McEvoy, Mrs Branford, Mrs Holt and Mr Blair x

A few activities :)

Here are a few different sorts of activities you could have a go at if you would like to 🙂

Remember to share with us any work you are proud of or just say hi on our year 5 email.