Mr P’s numeracy ideas!

Each week, Mr Porteous emails the teachers links or ideas of ways to support our teaching and your learning in maths.

Here is a link to the White rose maths hub, who are launching daily online maths lessons live! Have fun!

Monday 20th April

Morning everyone from all of your Year 5 teachers. We hope you have had a fantastic Easter holidays with your families and have enjoyed some of the lovely weather and maybe some chocolate too 🙂

Here are some human body and different keeping active ideas that you might fancy having a go at. Some of the children who were in school last week took part in the emoji hunt and had a great time!

Daily activity journal

Emoji Word Hunt Activity

Fitness circuit cards and recording sheet

Notes and guidance

Skeleton worksheet

Scientific investigation

Tongue twisters

There is also a fantastic new resource on the BBC bitesize website where new lessons are uploaded daily in English, maths and other subjects. These are all sorted into year groups. Please feel free to access other year groups as you wish to depending on your set, interests and ability. We hope this will be a great support to you and your parents with home learning.

Today’s (Monday 20th April) Year 5 Literacy lesson contains a video of Dick and Dom from CBBC reading an extract from George’s marvellous medicine by Roald Dahl. See if you can spot any similes and metaphors as you listen to the story.

Stay safe everyone and we can’t wait to see you all in school soon.

Mrs McEvoy, Mrs Branford, Mrs Holt and Mr Blair


St George’s Day Project

St George’s Day

Thursday 23rd April is St George’s Day. We would love children to create art work, write stories, do some research and make a fact file, make a PowerPoint presentation, etc. You can do whatever you like about St George or how people celebrate St George’s Day and we’d then love to see your work! You can either email work, or a photo of it, to anytime before next Thursday. We can then celebrate your work on our website and Facebook page. Thank you!

St George's Day | Springwell Park Community Primary School

Send in your reading photos!

Hi Everyone,

We would love to share all the reading that has been going on at home so please email a photo of you reading your favourite book to We will then put all the photos of children, families, staff and governors reading into a film.

Please note that this will then be shared on our school website and Facebook page. All photos need to be sent into school by 1pm on Wednesday 22nd April. Thank you!

Thank you St George’s Community!

Wow! We have had so many food and toiletry donations come into school in just two days. Thank you very much- we are so proud to be part of such a fantastic community!
For now, we don’t need any more donations but will let you know if we start to run out. Obviously if you have already been out to buy donations, we will still gladly accept them.
We are well set up now to help lots of families- please do let us know if we can help. It is very private and confidential so other people will not know if you have contacted us for support.


Hope everyone is staying safe and enjoying the beautiful sunshine!

Here is an Easter escape room maths challenge for you to have a go at.

Some of it is quite challenging but there are answers at the end so if you get really stuck on a part, have a sneaky peek!