Spelling shed

Just a little spelling shed update for you all.

Current rankings in classes are:

Set 1 – 2nd in whole school

Set 2 – 6th in whole school

Set 3 – 14th in whole school.

Come on Set 3!! We need to be up there! These are the children in Set 2 and Set 3 who have been playing in the last 7 days. Well done to Lacey K, Logan S, Reece S, Theo, Mason E and Szabina.

Sophie-Mai, Nathan, George, Robyn and Logan are all still in the top 10 of the whole school – great job!

Keep practising the Year 5/6 statutory spellings as well as your weekly spellings.

Science activities

Hi everyone,

Hope you’re all being good at home and staying safe! All the Year 5 staff hope you have a fantastic Easter weekend with your families. The weather is going to be beautiful 🙂

Here are some science activities you can complete when you wish.

Chemical Creations Home Learning Task

Materials and Properties Home Learning Task

Take care,

Mrs McEvoy and all the Year 5 teachers.

A Special Visit!

Mrs Humphries has made a washing up bowl ‘pond’ in school today. Within minutes, look who came for a visit and a splash! Perhaps you could try making one of these yourself at home and see if you have any birds come to visit you. We would love to see photos of your own washing up bowl ponds if you make one. You can email photos to stgeorgesadmin@telford.org.uk