Homework In Year 5 📖

Welcome to Year 5!

Homework is vital for children to know more and remember more.

We will hand out homework to every child on a Friday. We expect it to be returned the following Wednesday at the latest.

As well as this, we still ask that children read 5 times a week to someone at home alongside their reading in school. All children will be set weekly spellings too which are handed out on a Friday and tested the following Friday.

At St George’s, all children also have a username and password for TimesTable Rockstars and Spelling Shed. These are fantastic resources for children to use at home to support their learning.

Thank you for your continued support with this. 😊

Spellings and Homework – 8/7/22

The final spellings for the year for both Set 1 and 2 are:

desert, dessert, flaw, floor, steal, steel, bored, board, draft, draught.

All children in the year group have received art homework this week to complete a Celtic knot sketch. This is due in on Wednesday 13th July. This will also be the last homework of the year.

Thank you for your continued support with learning at home throughout this year.

1 Minute Maths APP

White Rose Maths have released a brand-new APP which is free to download via the Apple Store and the Play Store. As a school, we use White Rose Maths to inform our mathematics lessons planning and we would highly recommending this brand-new APP for you to use to support your child with their learning at home. Thank you for your support.

Times Tables Rockstars Awards

A massive well done to the children in Year 5 who were rewarded for all of their hard work on the Times Tables Rockstars website during the Autumn term. Mr Porteous is really looking forward to seeing who he will be able to reward at the end of the Spring term for their efforts

Last Homework of 2021 😊

This week we will be setting the final homework for 2021 which will be due in on Wednesday as usual.


Homework in Year 5

Welcome back!
Homework will be given out every Friday and is due back in on the following Wednesday.

Spellings are given out on a Friday too and tested the next Friday.

5TP End of Year Home Activities

Hi 5TP,

It’s such a shame that our year together has ended a few days early and we didn’t get chance to say goodbye properly. Please be sure to come and visit me in our old room once we’re all back in September! Here are a few activities to keep you busy if you’d like to do them, there should be enough to last you until Wednesday 🙂 I’ll still be on the year 5 e-mails if you need anything. Have a great summer! Mrs T-P xx


Year 5 Summer Themed Maths Booklet – Questions



Y5 and Y6 Statuatory Spelling List Activity Booklet


Moving To Year 6 English Transition Booklet 
