Natwest Moneysense website

Hi everyone,

We hope you are all having a good week and enjoying the activities we have set for you.

Below is a link to a website with lots of free resources all about money. Have a little look over the next few days.

Don’t forget you can also access TTRS at home, as well as all of the BBC bitesize daily lessons in a range of subjects.

Happy home learning 🙂

Y5 and Y6 Author Competitions

We have been sent details of three competitions from author Luke Temple. Having looked at this, we think it is suitable for our pupils in Years 5 and 6. Any entries need to be sent directly to the details given, not into school please. We’d love as many children to enter as possible- you could win a school visit from Luke!

Here are the details from Luke:

To help bring a bit of excitement to children’s ‘home schooling’, I have:

  • Made my most popular book, Mutating Mansion, completely free to download.
  • Created an activity pack for KS2, ‘Luke Temple’s Writing Toolbox‘. This contains lots of the tools I use to help make my books really exciting, fun and scary to read. I hope children can use the tools to have a go at their own writing.
  • There is also a competition in the activity pack to win a signed book and a free author visit to their school (there are 3 of these prizes up for grabs). The closing date for the competition is 31st May.

The book and activity pack, including the competition details, can be downloaded from


Science – Changing Materials

This week’s science is all about materials that will dissolve.  Some solids will dissolve in water to form a solution. These materials are known as soluble.  Your challenge is to investigate which solids around your house will dissolve in water. Try mixing a small amount of the solid with water and observing what happens.  You could try: salt, sugar, sand, soil, flour, chalk…

(Remember to ASK AN ADULT before you raid the kitchen cupboards!)

It would be brilliant if you could do this practically, but if not, you could always research the answers instead.  The links below give you plenty of information to get you started.

BBC Bitesize What is dissolving?

BBC Bitesize Which materials dissolve in water?

We would love to hear what you have found out. You could take photographs, write up your investigation or create a table of your results – it’s up to you!

Extra Challenge:  Can you investigate whether those solids will dissolve in other liquids, such as cooking oil?

Literacy – Persuasive Writing and Reading!

This week’s literacy is all about persuasive writing. 

1st task: Read the letter ‘School Prom’ and answer the questions about it.

Persuasive Letter Example School Prom

Questions about School Prom persuasive letter

2nd task: Read the letter to Mr Kane and complete the writing activity.

Persuasive Letter Example Mr Kane

Respond to letter from Mr Kane



We hope that you are all enjoying lots of reading. You could be reading any type of text, both digital/ online or paper including (but not limited to): stories, fact files, newspapers, recipe books, poems.

Here is the list of reading activities which is at the front of your reading diaries. Remember that you can complete any of these tasks each time you finish a book!

Reading tasks Phase 2

Art & Geography

As an introduction to our Rivers and Water topic, we would like you to create a piece of artwork. It could be a picture of a river, waterfall, puddle, droplet or lake. You can choose how to create your artwork. Here are some ideas that you could use: pencil sketch, paint, pencil crayon and felt tip, use a computer or make a collage. You could take photographs of water in your local area when you are out for a walk, too.

Maths tasks for week beginning 27th April

Hi everyone,

Here are some maths activities to have a go at throughout the week.

Multiplication and Division Learning from Home – Workbook – Booklet

Multiplication and Division Learning from Home – Answer Book – Boolket

For the long division, remember the turtle head method we learnt in Set 3 to help you. Below is a link to a youtube video which clearly explains this method.

Something else lots of you have found trick is multiplying and dividing by 10,100 and 1000. The PPT below will show you how to do this easily by moving the numbers in their place value columns. Have a little look at the PPT if you’re unsure.

Multiplying and dividing by 10 100 1000

Remember you can also access BBC bitesize daily maths lessons as well as the daily challenge through the White rose maths party (see previous post on website for link to this). You also all have logins to TTRS so keep on practising those times tables, they are so important!

Enjoy everyone 🙂

Your Year 5 teachers.

Hi everyone :)

Hi everyone,

On Monday, we will be posting a variety of activities for you all to have a go at in English, Maths and Foundation subjects. There will be a variety of activities for you to dip into throughout the week.

Here are some non-screen activities (borrowed from Mrs Owen in Y3 – thank you Mrs Owen) for you to be having a go at!

25 non-screen activities

We hope those of you who joined in really enjoyed Mr P’s quiz this morning. We loved seeing your photos on Facebook 🙂

Have a lovely weekend in the sunshine everyone and stay safe!

Your Year 5 teachers.

Bonjour Phase 2

A little French challenge for you try, if you fancy.

How you answer the questions is up to you, you can be as creative and imaginative as you wish.

I know and you know, how you love to make your French books “tres beau.”

So go for it, I can’t wait to see what you do.

  1. How tall is the Eiffel Tower?
  2. Who is the President?
  3. When did “La Tour de France” begin?
  4. What is the river that runs through Paris?
  5. How many countries border France? Can you name them?
  6. Can you write nine hundred and ninety-nine in French words?
  7. Can you draw the French flag and what is it called and why?
  8. Name 6 or more colours.
  9. Can you write a few sentences about yourself? Name, age, where you live, how you are feeling, what you look like, what pets you have?
  10. Can you draw a famous landmark in PARIS and give 3 astonishing facts about it?

I really can’t wait to see what you can all do.

Merci bien et rester en securite.  Thank you and stay safe.

Madame Sohier

St George’s Day!

Hi folks,

Here are a few St George’s day activities you might fancy having a go at, as well as all the ideas which have been suggested e.g. draw/paint a picture/do some writing etc.

Reading comps



See if you can design a dragon and then write a description of what he looks like and his personality, is he a nice or a naughty dragon?


Here is a SPAG quest for you to have a go at.

Saint Georges Quest for the Beast


Don’t forget to also have a look at the BBC Bitesize daily lessons. This week as well as daily lessons in Maths and English, there is also a History, Geography, Science and Music lesson to get stuck into 🙂

Try and complete some of these activities over the next few days and either email or get mum/dad to post on Facebook so we can see what you have achieved.


Well done to all the children who have been playing TTRS over the last few weeks.

A special mention to Matthew, Olly B, Theo, Charlie, Aaruren, Elizabeth, Darcy J, Lily, Ruby and Sarah-Louise who have a been playing lots since we’ve been off school.

Keep up your hard work, Year 5!