TTRS Year Group Battle

Next week, Miss Mogg will be setting up a Times Table Rockstar battle within our year group. Now is the time to get practicing so that you’re ready to help your set win!

Week 1 Timetable

Timetable Week 1

Here is an overview of how you may choose to structure your learning each day. If this doesn’t work for you, if you’d rather do topic work first and reading at night time then that’s absolutely fine. This is just an idea for keeping your days similar to how we structure the day at school.

Happy New Year

New Year 2

New Year

It’s the time of year when we reflect upon last year (2020) and look forward to the year ahead (2021). We would like you to think about your goals and positive things that you can take into this new year. You can complete either or both of the worksheets above, or present it in your own way.

Fractions of Shapes

Fractions of Shapes – Tuesday

Fractions of Shapes – Tuesday Answers

Here is a worksheet to help you think about how shapes can be split into fractions. For some, you will need to tell us the fraction of the shape that is shaded, and for others you will need to shade the correct fraction of the shape. Just work through this sheet as far as you can, some of you will manage only the first page, whereas some of you may manage the whole task. Either way give it your best shot 🙂