Spelling Crossword

Spelling list crossword

This is a crossword using some of the words from the Year 5/6 spelling list which have an initial sound followed by a double consonant.

The answers are on the second sheet 🙂

Correct the spelling mistake

Correct the spelling mistakes – Website

Here are three spelling activities. You need to correct the circled spelling mistake. All of these words are from the Year 5 and 6 spelling list.

The answers are also attached so that your parents can mark your answers.

Good luck!

Reading Homework

This week we have planned an English homework for everyone.

Set 1 and 2 are reading about Rosa Parks and Set 3 are reading a space text.

This is due in on Wednesday 14th October!

If your child has any questions or needs any help, please ask us before the 14th 🙂



Space Project

YEAR 5 HOMEWORK- 25.9.2020

Earth and Space Project

Due in on Wednesday 7th October.

We would like you to create something based on our new topic, ‘Earth and Space’.

For example, you could:

  • Make a model
  • Design a poster
  • Write down some facts
  • Draw a picture
  • Create a leaflet
  • Make a PowerPoint presentation

Have fun and be creative 😊

Art Project – The Results Are In!

Artist in a Box Competition

A big well done to everyone that took part in the ‘Artist in a Box’ competition. Your entries were all fantastic and it was clear that you worked incredibly hard on your projects.

After much deliberation, we have chosen our winners..

First place goes to Heidi Preece for her incredible gallery of Monet’s work.

Second place goes to Evie Stones for her brilliant attention to detail. 

Third place goes to Edward Whitehouse for his huge, multi-piece project on Paul Klee.

Well done to our winners! You will each receive your prizes when we return to school in September.

If you didn’t win the competition this time, please don’t be upset. There will be plenty of other opportunities next year!

Thank you again for getting involved in this project and producing such amazing work!

The Arts Team.

Literacy work – week beginning 13th July!

This is the last week of our home learning journey together! We really hope you have enjoyed the activities and have learnt lots!

For our final activities together, we would love you to complete some of the grammar or writing activities on the ‘Natural curriculum’ website.

These are linked to lots of BBC natural history clips and cover lots of different grammar and writing activities!

Have a little explore but we thought the Orca’s activity looked interesting in the School closure home learning area of the website.


Help - Natural Curriculum

Reflecting on this year :)

We would love for you to reflect on all the things you have done and learnt this year. Use this template if you wish or you could present as a poster, PPT or however you choose! Share with us on the Year 5 email 🙂

Summer Reading Challenge!

Mrs Branford posted last week about the libraries Summer Reading Challenge. You can log on at home, create your own avatar and win prizes and downloads. You will set a challenge to read a certain amount of books and log your progress on the website. There are also links to accessing e-books and resources.


As well as this challenge, I have found some more books you might enjoy reading over the Summer before you start in Year 6. Hope you enjoy them!





We hope you have all had lots of fun researching your scientists and conducting lots of exciting experiments!

I will attach the PDF’s with all the activities on again below, just in case you have missed them! If you have completed your year groups activities and want to do some more, feel free to dip into any other year groups resources or you could do them with your siblings!

Remember to share any photos or videos with us at nurseryteam@stgeorgesschool.org.uk.

EY Bubbles

KS1 Paper Planes

Whole school spinners

y34 sundials and space

y56 Telephones

Two girls in year 5, Evie and Ruby, have sent us some photos already. Have a look at their super work below.


Super Scientists - Science Bulletin Board | Science bulletin ...

We can’t wait to see your photos and videos, St George’s!