Keeping Active Bingo Card

Bingo Card

Thank you to everyone who sent in their video clips of them completing last week’s various National School Sports Week Challenges. The final challenge, set last Friday, was to have a go at the various activities included on the attached Bingo Card.




On Monday, we launched our Science fortnight and gave you a challenge to make a telephone and research the inventor Sir Alexander Graham Bell. Well done to all the children who have shared photos of their experiments so far!

Don’t forget to share them at

Artist in a Box- Deadline Extended

Hi everyone!

We are aware that there are a lot of projects going on at the moment so we have decided to extend the deadline for the ‘Artist in a Box’ competition.

Read here for more information about the competition.

The new deadline is now Friday 10th July. The winner and runners up will be announced the following week. Please email photo evidence of your project to

We look forward to seeing more of your projects. If we get enough entries, we will make a film to showcase them all!

National School Sports Week 2020

It is currently National School Sports Week. If you have Facebook, you may have noticed that we have been setting you daily challenges to have a go at. We would like you to be filmed performing your best challenge and we would love your video to be posted onto our school’s Facebook page. If you don’t have a Facebook account, the challenges are below and you could send us your video clip via email. Have a go!



Super Scientists!

Super Scientists!

We would love for you to make your very own string telephone!

How could you adapt it to make it even better?

What did Alexander Graham Bell invent?

Carry out further experiments all about sound.

Over the next two weeks, we would like our Year 5 and 6 children to learn more about sound and how it travels!

Activity ideas can be found here – y56 Telephones

We would love to see your experiments and research at school. Please email them to us at

Alexander Graham Bell - Inventions, Telephone & Facts - Biography 144 years pass since first words uttered on telephone What is sound? | Sound explained for primary-school children ...

Super Scientists!

‘Whatever goes up must come down’

Can you research Sir Isaac Newton?

Can you make a helicopter spinner?

How slowly can your spinner go?

Can you adapt and modify your design to change the speed of your helicopter spinner?

Over the next two weeks we would like for all year groups to experiment with helicopter spinners!

Activity ideas can be found here- Whole school spinners

We would love to see your helicopter spinner experiments at school, please email your fabulous experiments to

Papercopter | HowStuffWorks

Literacy – week beginning 22nd June!

We would love for you to have a go at this writing toolbox by the author, Luke Temple. We are too late to join in with the competition but we would still like for you to work your way through the activities as it will allow you to practise lots of different writing skills! I have also attached the story for you to read if you wish 🙂


Luke Temples Writing Toolbox 

Story (please don’t print as it is 159 pages! You could read on a phone, tablet or laptop!)

Felix Dashwood and the Mutating Mansion Book

Felix Dashwood and the Mutating Mansion (The Felix Dashwood Series ...

Have fun and remember to share work you have completed. There will be dojo rewards for those who share their work.


Last week, Miss Bibi launched the ‘Artist in a box’ project to the whole school! We would love as many of you as possible to get involved please. A massive well done to Grace Waterhouse who shared her fantastic project all about Monet. The closing date for this whole school project is this Friday 26th June.

Artist in a box competition

We will also be letting you all know about our Science fortnight later on today so please keep your eyes peeled for that! I am sure in Year 5, we can produce some fantastic work and impress the rest of the school and teachers 🙂

Alexander Graham Bell - Inventions, Telephone & Facts - Biography

Mr Porteous has also launched virtual sports week over the weekend so please have a go at some of the activities and post your videos of your best results to our school Facebook or Twitter page!

Onthank Virtual Sports Week | Onthank Primary 2020

There are lots of things to be getting involved with this week, we can’t wait to see what you have produced and been up to!

Take care all,

Mrs McEvoy, Mrs Holt, Mrs Branford and Mr Blair.

Maths – week beginning 22nd June!

This week we are going to be focusing on Fractions as an area some of us find tricky and also is a big focus in Year 6.

Some of these activities we have done in school so will be a good revision for you!

Equivalent fractions 

Higher Ability Mixed

Lower Ability Mixed

Middle Ability Mixed

Equivalent Fractions Activity Sheets

Improper fractions 

Improper Fractions Activity Sheets Answers

Improper Fractions Activity Sheets Questions

Ordering, comparing, adding, subtracting and multiplying fractions 

Year 5 Add Fractions with Denominators That Are Multiples Differentiated Activity Sheets

Year 5 Compare Fractions with Denominators That Are Multiples Differentiated Activity Sheets

Year 5 Multiply Proper Fractions Using Diagrams Activity Sheet

Year 5 Ordering Fractions Activity Sheet

Year 5 Subtract Fractions with Denominators That Are Multiples Differentiated Activity Sheets

If you get stuck on any of the above sheets, the link below to the BBC bitesize website has lots of videos to teach you how to do it. Or email us on the year 5 email.

Here are some games you can play to help you practise your fractions. Some require a Twinkl log on which is free at the moment.


We hope you have lots of fun learning about fractions. If you need any help, please get in touch on the year 5 email address. We are here to help you.

Stay safe and have a lovely week,

Your year 5 teachers.



Year 5 spellings – week beginning 22nd June

This week is your final week of spellings for this year as we have completed the Headstart spellings for year 5. From next week, you can continue to play on Spelling shed, practising past spellings or the statutory Year 5 and 6 words.

This weeks spellings are all homophones or near homophones.

The words are:









