Free Writing Friday!

Let your creative juices flow and write about anything you want to today! You could write a diary entry, recipe, rules for your favourite game, a biography of someone you look up to or really anything else you can think of.

We would love to see what you have written. Share it with us on the year 5 email address at

The Crystal Maze – KS2 Maths challenge!

Have a go at this KS2 maths challenge. If you enjoy it, have a look at Mrs Quinn’s other videos as there are more maths challenges for you to try!

Have fun, year 5!

Maths – Week beginning 15th June!

Have a go at completing these maths mats which revise different areas we have covered in year 5. Try and do 1 a day if you can.






I have also attached an arithmetic paper for those of you who love them. We know who you are! Can you get 100%?


Harry Potter Project!

This week, we would love for you to complete some of these fun and cross-curricular activities all about Harry Potter. We hope you will all enjoy the activities as you all seemed to enjoy reading the first book in the Autumn term.

We did not create this resource but thought it was so brilliant we have borrowed it with the author’s permission! Ignore the title and reward scheme. If you share your activity with us on the year 5 email, you will receive 5 dojos per task completed. We really do enjoy seeing your work so don’t forget to share it with us!

Harry Potter Project Miss Nuttall.

Have fun!

Literacy – week beginning 15th June

This week is week 2 of our new unit of work looking at leaflets. It has been lovely to see some of your work on the year 5 email. Don’t forget to email us your work, especially if you’re finding something tricky, we are here to help!

Below are the PPT’s you will need to help you on Mon, Tues and Thurs.

MONDAY – SPAG questions

TUESDAY – shared write of leaflet

THURS – Create Word Bank of Persuasive Phrases

On Wednesday we would like you to have a look at these mini reading comprehension’s.


Robot Revenge

Water Cycle

Water Safety

We hope you have a lovely week, let us know if you need any help or support with any of the tasks. The year 5 email address is

Spellings – week beginning 15th June

Spellings this week are homophones or near homophones.

Words are below:











Staying Home Storybook

Andersen Press

Are you struggling to keep your child motivated with school work?

Here is a book that explores the struggles that come with staying at home. The book shows a family of raccoons going through a day in lock down. It touches on children’s responsibilities and how it is important to continue to do things like exercise and your school work! 

Staying Home By Sally Nicholls


This is your final reminder to please email your Stone to Iron age projects by Friday at 1pm!

We can’t wait to see them!

Stone Age to Iron Age Fact Cat: History: Early Britons: ...

Winnie and Wilbur Stay at Home 📖

Stay At Home (Winnie and Wilbur) by Valerie Thomas

Join Winnie and Wilbur in a brand-new stay-at-home adventure! With Wilbur’s fun ideas and a flick of Winnie’s wand, staying at home can be lots of fun.

Click on the link below to read the interactive eBook with your child.

Winnie and Wilbur Stay at Home

PSHE – Week beginning 8th June

This week, we would love you to reflect on all you have achieved this year. It has certainly been a different one but you have all done so well coping in these difficult times. Think of all you achieved while we were at school but also what you have learnt since being at home.

Lots of you might have been baking, learnt a new skill or simply reconnected with nature by going on lots of walks exploring!

Use the prompts in the PPT to help you but you can present your reflections however you wish. We would love to see them so please share on the year 5 email –


Have a lovely week year 5, we miss you lots and lots. Keep safe!