Storytelling Week

National Storytelling Week 2023 Activities | National Literacy Trust | National Literacy Trust

This week at St George’s, we will be celebrating Storytelling Week! This event invites children to enjoy stories both old and new, to use as inspiration for the most classical form of entertainment: the telling of stories!

The children will take part in various activities throughout the week which will take them on a journey to become confident storytellers with a focus on developing oracy skills. Each class will buddy up with a different year group and perform a story/poem by the end of the week.

We have also invited Peter Chand into our school who is a renowned storyteller and well known for his powerful, evocative and moving stories. He will lead assemblies and deliver workshops to every year group!

Webinar Wednesday - The Creatives' Guide to Marketing with Peter Chand - Beyond the Border

Stay tuned for photos of this fantastic event!

Art Competition! πŸ–ŒβœπŸ–πŸ–ŒβœπŸ–πŸ–ŒβœπŸ–

We are opening up theΒ  spring art competition.

We would like you to try to paint in the way that Tom Yendell does. Tom uses his mouth and his feet to hold a pencil and a paint brush so that he can produce his art.

Click to learn about Tom Yendell.

Here is some of the art he has produced.

We would like you to have a go at using your mouth or your feet to hold the pencil and paint brush to produce a piece of art in the style of Tom Yendell.

All entries to Mrs Blair or Mrs Probert by the end of half term. We will announce the winner after half term. Good luck!



David Walliams πŸ“–

This week we have started our new English topic, ‘Significant Children’s Authors’.πŸ“–

We have chosen to look at David Walliams and the stories he has written. In particular, we are focussing on ‘Gangsta Granny’.πŸ‘΅

The children have researched lots of information about David Walliams and his achievements and bravely presented it to their peers.

Well done Year 5!

Dog’s Trust Assembly

This week, we have welcomed Alison from Dog’s Trust into our assemblies to talk to the children about how to keep safe around dogs.

The children have learnt that if they want to stroke a dog that they see out in public, they must:

  • Ask the owner- it is very important to get permission first.
  • Ask the dog- the children know to stand with their hands by their sides.
  • Wait for the dog to come to you- if the dog doesn’t it means that they don’t want to be stroked.
  • Always stroke the dog on the side of their body so they can see what is happening.
  • Always stroke dogs gently.

The children have also learnt what to do if they are scared when a dog comes up to them.

  • Never run away, always stand still as the dog may think it is a game.
  • Anything that you might have in your hands that a dog may like, throw it away on the floor.
  • Cross your arms so that they cannot sniff your hands.
  • Don’t look at the dog.

See if your child can remember what to do around dogs that they see out and about!

Happy New Year!

All of the children have settled back into school very well!

This week we have all written some New Year’s Resolutions.

Here are a few of them…

Happy Christmas Year 5 πŸŽ…

What a wonderful week to end the Autumn term.πŸŽ…

We have been busy making calendars and cards as well as learning about ‘Peace’ and what it means to us at Christmas time. All of the children enjoyed their Christmas dinner and party snacks too.

St George’s Primary even received a special visit from Father Christmas! Ho Ho Ho!

Here are the cards we made:


The Year 5 team would like to wish all our lovely families a very merry Christmas.

Stay safe and have fun! πŸŽ…

πŸŒ­πŸ•Typical American Food πŸ”πŸŸ

The children have been researching common foods eaten in America, in particular New York. We then decided to research all about the hot dog. The children found out how the hot dog reached America and why it is well known in New York today. They have produced incredible pieces of work showing all of their research in a ‘NEW YORK TIMES’ style newspaper format.

As a treat, the children then tasted a hotdog with optional American style mustard. Veggie hotdogs were also available!



πŸŽ…Santa DashπŸŽ…

Year 5 enjoyed taking part in the Santa Dash today!

Well done everyone πŸŽ…

βœ‚οΈ Textiles ?

It is Design and Technology Week in Year 5!

This term’s topic is ‘Fashion and Textiles’ and we will be designing and making a drawstring bag. We are learning how to sew using four different stitches: back stitch, straight stitch, whip stitch and basting stitches.

Here we are practising them.

Photos/videos for Christmas Performances/Carol Concerts

We know as proud parents and carers you may want to take photos/videos of your child performing in the Christmas performances/carol concerts. However, please note that a number of parents have not consented to photos being taken of their children in school and some of our children are currently in care.

Therefore, the taking of photos/videos does cause the school some safeguarding concerns.

Please can we ask that if you do take photos/videos please try to only take images of your own children where possible and do not post images of other children on your social media. Thank you for your support with this.