Let’s Get Real – Recycle Week

Recycle week is an annual event to promote and celebrate the importance of reducing our waste.

Managing the waste we produce through our everyday lives is important because we need to reduce, reuse and recycle resources.

This special week has been held since 2004 and its mission has been to encourage us to recycle more.

Together – We recycleΒ 

Now is a great time to think about how our rubbish affects the world.

We can work together and step it up to help the climate crisis.

πŸ”± Myths and Legends πŸ”±

All of the children have been studying different Greek myths and legends such as Athena and Poseidon, Romulus and Remus and Theseus and the Minotaur over the last few weeks.

This week they have written their very own myth using all of the writing skills they have been taught over the last few weeks. We are VERY impressed with the children’s writing and cannot wait to read them all. Well done Year 5!

Telling The Time ⌚

At St George’s, we believe that telling the time is a very important life skill. To assist us with our teaching of telling the time, we would like to encourage any children who own an analogue watch to wear it to school. Please do not feel pressured to buy one though if your child does not own one. We have invested in some additional analogue clocks that have been put up around school. Thank you so much for your support. Please note that Smart Watches cannot be worn to school for safeguarding reasons.

Book Fair! πŸ“šπŸ˜ŠπŸŒŸ

We are pleased to announce the Book Fair will be running after school in the main hall on Friday 14th October, Monday 17th October and Tuesday 18th October.

There will be a fantastic selection of books for all ages, so please come along to browse!

Payments can be made in cash, by card (directly to the Scholastic website) or using gift vouchers.

To view the full selection of books, please visit Β Β Β https://bookfairs.scholastic.co.uk/parents?nt=t

Thank you 😊

? Music ?

We have started our new music topic called ‘Space’ which links perfectly to our science topic too!

We have listened to ‘The Planets’ by Holst and learnt Italian words such as ‘forte’ and ‘mezzo piano’. We have also played ostinatos on metallophones!

We have matched loud-o-meter graphs to different pieces of music too.


Art competition! πŸ–πŸ–ŒπŸ–πŸ–ŒπŸ–

We would like you to be contemporary artists. πŸ–ŒβœπŸ–

Below are some art works by the Japanese contemporary artist Takashi Murakami.

Have a go at creating a piece of art work in his style. Look at the use of colour, the shapes and the images. Try not to copy what he does but create your own art work. Work can be given to Mrs Blair or Mrs Probert by half term. We will thenΒ  choose a piece of art work which will be displayed in the corridor by Mrs Sixsmith’s office.

Good luck! πŸ€ We are very much looking forward to seeing some contemporary art.

Black History Month Competition

For Black History month we are running a History competition! Children are asked to create a poster about a famous person in black history and hand it in to Miss Rogers (year 5) by the end of this half term (21st October). There will be a prize for each year group so make sure you clearly name and label your work with your year group as well.

Each week the History team will be sharing some information about a famous person to help inspire the children. This week the information is all about Mae Jemison.

Mae Jemison Fact File

Reading Challenge Week! 😊

We had a fabulous time last week celebrating our love of reading with our Reading Challenge Week! During the week, children enjoyed lots of super reading activities in school, including Buddy Reading, a lunchtime Read-a-thon, Pyjama Day and much more! β­πŸ“šΒ  We would like to say a big well done to all of the children for their brilliant efforts, and also a huge thank you to parents and carers for all of your support during the week! πŸ™πŸ˜Š

Buddy Reading 😊

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Our KS2 Lunchtime Read-a-thon πŸ“š

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Pyjama Day πŸ₯°

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RE Debates

Yesterday morning, the school hall was set up and ready to welcome our guests from other schools around Telford. We had a fantastic morning debating hot topics such as ‘Has the real meaning of Christmas been lost?’ with our Year 5 and 6 friends from HLC, Redhill Primary Academy, Donnington Wood CE Junior School, St Matthew’s, Wombridge Primary School and Wrockwardine Wood Junior School.Β  All the children behaved impeccably and represented their schools with pride and enthusiasm. We definitely have some future politicians in our schools! Thanks to everyone who took part and helped to make the morning a success.


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We Love Buddy Reading πŸ“–

To celebrate ‘Pyjama Reading Day’,Β  we teamed up with other year groups to help them read. It was so much fun!

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