Reading Challenge Week

To celebrate and encourage a lifelong love of reading at home and school, we will be running a Reading Challenge Week from Monday 26th September to Friday 30th September. This will involve lots of fun activities in school, and also some ways to get involved at home. There will be prizes for children who read lots throughout the week.

As part of this week, we will be running ”Lunchtime Readathons” in school. The children will be invited to come to Miss Bibis classroom (Key Stage 1) or Mrs Branfords classroom (Key Stage 2) to read at lunchtime.We will record the number of children who attend from each class, and also the number of minutes that they have read for. Classes with lots of minutes of reading will earn class treats.

We are also giving children the option to take part in a sponsored read. This is completely optional there is absolutely no pressure to take part! For those children who would like to join in, the aim is to read as many minutes as they can, and then get sponsors to support them in their challenge. A copy of the relevant sponsor sheets and recording logs have been sent home. All of the money raised will go towards brand new books for our school. 

The younger children might like to take part in the listening challenge instead. This involves the children listening to a story read by a grown up. A listening log has been sent home so that children can record how many minutes of listening they have done!

To conclude our Reading Challenge Week we will have a Pyjama Day on Friday 30th September. The children can come to school in their pyjamas, for a fun-filled day of reading and relaxing! There is no charge for this, and wearing pyjamas is also optional. 

Good Luck! ?




Greek Gods and Goddesses

Today we have been learning about ancient Greek religion. The children have been researching about different Greek Gods and Goddesses.

Take a look at some of our work! 

Spelling Shed! 🐝

Spelling Shed is now all set up for Year 5! 🐝

The children have their usernames and passwords which should be stuck into their reading records too.

Please try and practise as much as possible. It really does make a huge difference.


Thank you,

Miss Rogers, Miss Mogg and Mrs Tidman-Poole


Welcome to Year 5!

We are all extremely pleased with how the children have settled in well to Year 5. They have made us very proud already and we are excited about the year ahead! 

A little reminder that the children should be reading at home 5 times a week as well as practising spellings. Homework will be given out on a Friday and should be in school by the following Wednesday. Children need to have their PE kits in school Mon-Fri and should take them home at the weekend.

Our Autumn topics include:

Myths & Legends (English)

The Greeks (History)

Earth & Space (Science & Music)

Place Value (Maths)

Temptation (RE)

Being Me in My World (PSHE)

Databases (Computing)

We look forward to getting to know you. 😊

Tennis fun 🎾

The children asked if they could have some time playing tennis before they finish Year 5 so this afternoon we went outside in the cool weather and had lots of fun!


We all had a fabulous time yesterday at the National Memorial Arboretum!

Year 5 Assessment Week

Mrs Tidman-Poole, Miss Mogg and Mr Hylton would like to say a HUGE well done to all children in Year 5 for successfully completing assessment week. We are so proud of each and every one of you, the effort you have put in has been incredible and you’ve showcased all of the progress you have made throughout the year. The next two weeks will be filled with lots of fun D&T, Computing, Art and PE! Well done everyone 🙂

St George’s Got Talent 🎤

A HUGE congratulations to everyone who made the final of St George’s Got Talent in KS2!

Year 5 are extremely proud of our 3 finalists, Thea, Amelia and Dillon, from Year 5 who made it through. You were all FANTASTIC! 😀

A big well done to Dillon Cartledge for achieving second place and Thea Whitaker for WINNING!  Year 5 certainly do have talent. 

ST George’s Got Talent WINNER, Thea 😀
Well done Amelia for dancing into the final! 😀
Dillon singing for 2nd place! 😀


Goodbye Butterflies!

We have said goodbye to our butterflies today and let them free.

Aren’t they beautiful?

Year 5.6 Sports Day

What a wonderful end to our Key Stage 1 and 2 Sports Days this week! The red team won both the Year 5 and 5 competitions. It was so lovely to have so many spectators with us again.