Butterflies 🦋

In English, we are writing explanation texts about the life cycle of a butterfly which also links with our ‘Life Cycles’ science topic. Each Year 5 class has been carefully observing their class caterpillars watching them go through the cycle.

We were very excited this morning to find out that we now have butterflies! 🦋


Year 3.4 Boys’ and Year 5 Boys’ Football

Our Year 3.4 boys’ and Year 5 boys’ football teams played St Peter and St Paul yesterday evening on our school field. There was a large attendance of spectators at the match and there was a lovely supportive atmosphere.

Year 5 Boys’ Football Match

Just a reminder that we have a Year 5 boys’ football match after-school tomorrow against St Peter and Paul Primary School. If your child is in the team, details will be available on your child’s Parent Pay account.

Just a reminder that

Sports Days 2022

Sports Days 2022 are as follows:

Monday 27th June – 9:30am – Foundation Stage Sports Day (RC and RG with Nursery)

Monday 27th June – 1:30pm – Foundation Stage Sports Day (RM with Nursery)

Tuesday 28th June – 9:30am – Year 3.4 Sports Day

Wednesday 29th June  – 9:30 am – Year 1.2 Sports Day

Thursday 30th June  – 9:30am – Year 5.6 Sports Day

All children in Nursery and Reception (Foundation Stage) will need to wear their normal P.E kit for their Sports Day.

Children in years 1 to 6 will need to wear either a red, blue or green t-shirt depending on what colour their class has been assigned.

Please note that children in Years 3 and 4 will be notified of the colour that they need to wear for Sports Day in due course.

1H – Green

1M – Blue

1B – Red

2P – Red

2D – Green

2B – Blue

Years 3 and 4, children to be notified by their teachers.

5H – Green

5M – Red

5TP – Blue

6Burnett – Green

6Branford – Red



🎾 Tennis 🎾

Due to another class not being able to take part in a tennis session, 5M were lucky enough to be selected to join in with a tennis coaching session today with Nicky from the Telford Tennis Centre. The children were fantastic and really enjoyed themselves!

This Saturday afternoon they have an open day where the children can go for free and join in with some tennis activities and receive some freebies. 🎾


Church ⛪

We visited St George’s Church today and had an interesting tour. Reverend Evans told us lots of historical information about the building and we learned lots of new vocabulary too!

Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera


Year 5 had an incredible day at RAF Cosford.

We took part in multiple STEM activities from launching rockets to controlling robots.

Here are some photos from our wonderful time at the museum.

Exotic Zoo

Yesterday we had some very interesting visitors in school all the way from Exotic Zoo! All of the children were able to take part in an assembly where they learned about the animals with some fascinating facts thrown in too! I wonder if the children can remember the names of the animals we met?

🍍Eat Well- 5 a day workshop 🍓

This morning, ‘Eat Well’ visited our school to explain about eating 5 fruit and vegetables a day. They taught us about different food groups and the best ways of getting 5 different fruit and vegetables eaten in a day. They also showed us how much would count as 1 portion and that eating fruits and vegetables of different colours helps us get a variety of vitamins.

We were given the opportunity to try a variety of fruit and vegetables such as radishes, pineapple, cauliflower and green beans.

We enjoyed trying new foods. 
Baked sweet potato was delicious! 
We loved the peaches! 
Pineapple was a popular choice!
 Honeydew Melon was eaten by almost everyone!