🪁Kite Making 🪁

Today we made our final kites.🪁

We have researched kites, tested different materials, designed our own kites and made prototypes all in preparation for today.

All of the kites look incredible and we had a lot of fun flying them on the field!

Design and Technology: Kites 🪁

We have had lots of fun designing kites this week and cannot wait to make them next week.🪁

Here are some of our prototypes:

KS2 Swimming Reminder

Just a reminder that Key Stage 2 swimming begins on Monday.

Please can you remember to equip your child with a towel, spare pair of socks, swimming costume, spare underwear, goggles if you wish and a waterproof bag.

Thank you for your support.


Census Day – Thursday 19th May

Special Menu Census Day School Lunch – St George’s needs your help please! 

It is school census day on Thursday 19th May and the number of free school meals taken on the day will have an effect on our school budget. Therefore, we really need all children who are eligible for a free school meal to have a school dinner on this day. This includes all children in Reception and KS1 as well as those who are eligible in KS2.

School budgets are very tight, and the more meals taken up on this day will mean we will receive more money from the government. We spend this money on resources for learning, additional adults in school to support your children as well as a range of other necessary equipment.

All other children who want a school meal on this day can still do so.
Please see menu for the day below:

Chicken Nuggets/Quorn Nuggets

French Fries

Baked Beans

Selection of Biscuits

Thank you for your continued support.


8th June- Trip to RAF Cosford

On Wednesday 8th June, Year 5 will be going to RAF Cosford to take part in a STEM activity day. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. This is promised to be a fun, exciting and interactive learning experience where the children will fly rockets, build communication towers and navigate through an asteroid field using Sphero robots.

More information will be available on ParentPay very soon!


♻️ Recycling Homework Project ♻️

We would like to say a HUGE well done to all of the children who created incredible pieces of homework over Easter. We challenged you to make something useful out of used materials you found around the house and we have received everything from money boxes and pencil pots to boats and bird feeders.

We are really impressed with them all!

Happy Easter! 🐤🐰✝️

We have had an incredible morning visiting church. It has been such a long time since our last visit and all of the children behaved impeccably. All of Year 5 enjoyed the Easter service and sounded excellent singing the hymns.

Here are a few examples of some of the artwork we took to church with us.

Happy Easter!✝️


Water Clocks ⏰💦

This term we have been looking at Chinese inventions in Design and Technology.

We made our own compasses last week and yesterday we had a go at making a water clock so that we could time 2 minutes without a watch.

We used plastic cups, masking tape, a stopwatch and a pin. We timed the water pouring out of the hole in 30 second intervals and marked the water level on the side of the cup each time. After that, we could then time 2 minutes by just looking at the rising water reaching the two minute marker on the cup.