Joseph and his Technicolour Dreamcoat 🌈

Last night, the Year 5 children performed ‘Joseph and his Technicolour Dreamcoat’ at Telford Priory School. We are so proud of each and every one of you! You sang, danced and acted your socks off! We definitely have some future stars in Year 5.


Meet the Year 6 Teachers Information 😊👋

Thank you to those parents who joined us last Thursday afternoon. If you were unable to make the meeting, please click on the link below to access the power point that includes the relevant information about Year 6.

Meet the teacher meetings 2023

If you have any questions, please get in contact via the Year 6 email address.

Year 6 Team 😊

3D Modelling ?

In computing, we are looking at 3D modelling. We designed some packaging on the laptops which we then printed out and made into real boxes that could be used to store something. Here we are cutting out the templates we designed…

Debating- 10 by 10 celebration event

Today some of our debate team joined lots of other schools from Telford to celebrate the 10 by 10 event. The children saw performances and presentations on what is on offer for them in the borough and even got a special mention for all their hard work in debating! They particularly enjoyed the cakes and balloons!
If you want to find out more about the council’s 10 by 10 campaign, you can find more information on their website:

🕺 St George’s Got Talent AUDITIONS! 🎤

Well done to all of the very brave children who auditioned for St George’s Got Talent 2023! We saw everything from dancers to comedians to musicians. In total we had 16 acts perform to the rest of the year group.

We will let the acts going through to boot camp know at the end of the week!

Good Luck!🍀

Computer Aided Design!

Today was the start our of next Design and Technology topic- CAD.

The children have been introduced to ‘TinkerCad’ which is a CAD software that can be used to design products that can be printed onto a 3D printer.

These pictures show the children learning how to duplicate, rotate, align and copy objects on the workplane.

Fieldwork Week

It is fieldwork week in school.

Fieldwork is research or study that happens in the real world. We can observe and get data about people, the natural environment and cultures.

This year the theme is ‘Environment’. Everything physical on Earth is part of an environment. This can include living and non-living things.

People can make changes to the environment. Some can be good changes. Some might be harmful to living things.

Things to think about:

What is your favourite part of the school grounds?

What is your favourite part of around your home?

Is it a good environment for wildlife? If so / not why?

Is there much litter or pollution?

The children will be doing fieldwork activities this week.