Spelling shed update – 8th June!

Let’s have a little look how things stand after the weekend. I hope you have all managed to dodge the rain and you have had nice times with your families.

Not too much change in the whole school leader board over the weekend.

Set 1 year 5 are still top with set 3 in 2nd place. Set 2 year 3 have climbed 2 places to reach 3rd place. Set 1 year 4 are 4th and Set 2 year 5 are 5th. Well done to all these sets!

Let’s now look at the children who have contributed the most points to their team and reached the top 10 in the whole school leader board.

Oliver L (Y5)

Olly B (Y5)

Gracie B (Y3)

Layla C (Y4)

Mason (Y5)

Charlie (Y5)

Georgia (Y5)

Logan (Y5)

Oliver D (Y2)

Connor H (Y2)

An extra big well done to the two boys in year 2. What an achievement to be in the top 10 of the whole school!

Each day this week, I will be checking who has been playing lots but not quite making the leader board. Tomorrow, I will be celebrating children in Years 1 and 2.

Keep practising, super spellers!

PSHE – Week beginning 8th June

This week, we would love you to reflect on all you have achieved this year. It has certainly been a different one but you have all done so well coping in these difficult times. Think of all you achieved while we were at school but also what you have learnt since being at home.

Lots of you might have been baking, learnt a new skill or simply reconnected with nature by going on lots of walks exploring!

Use the prompts in the PPT to help you but you can present your reflections however you wish. We would love to see them so please share on the year 5 email – year5team@stgeorgesschool.org.uk.


Have a lovely week year 5, we miss you lots and lots. Keep safe!

Literacy – Week beginning 8th June

Over the next few weeks, we will be learning all about the features of leaflets leading up to writing our own in week 3. We will also be revising some SPAG questions.

Below we have attached all the resources you will need to help you to complete the tasks for week 1.

Here are the leaflets you will need on Wednesday. You could also use any of your own leaflets you have at home.







Monday – Party leaflet

shakespear leaflt


Tuesday – Railway leaflet


PPTs for the week.

MON – SPAG questions

THURS- Leaflet Reading Comp

TUESDAY – SPAG questions

WEDS- Find examples of features of leaflets

We hope you enjoy learning all about leaflets, Year 5!

New spellings week beginning 8th June

Remember to keep practising those spellings, they will really help you for your SATS tests next year 🙂

This weeks spellings are all homophones and near homophones.

The words are:











Perhaps you could write them in sentences so you can make sure you know how to use each word in context.


A few weeks ago, we sent out a request asking for our school’s community to nominate our school to win a Storytelling Chair through ‘The School Playground Company’s’ Facebook page. We are delighted to announce that we WON!

Thank you so much to everyone who nominated us, we saw that some people even put some very complimentary comments alongside our nomination which didn’t go unnoticed. What a week for St George’s C of E Primary School! We are looking forward to our large delivery soon!

Thank you for your support.


Just a little reminder that you have 1 more week to complete your Stone age to Iron age projects. Projects are due by next Friday lunchtime. Thank you and a big well done to the children who have emailed them to us already!

Remember to send them to the Year 5 email address at year5team@stgeorgesschool.org.uk

Stone Age display pack | Teaching Resources

Children coming into school

Hi Everyone,

If your child is coming into school, please could you also ensure that your child has clothes that will keep them warm in the classrooms in all weathers. Following guidance, we have to keep the doors and windows open to ventilate rooms and it can be quite cool in some of the rooms, especially in the mornings. We need the beautiful sunshine to come back!

Thank you.

Spelling shed update – 4th June!

It has been another busy week on spelling shed. Well done to all the children who have been playing. Next week I will be having a look who has been playing and celebrating children who have been playing lots but haven’t quite made it into the top 10!

Classes leader board is as follows:

Year 5 set 1 are 1st

Year 5 set 3 are 2nd

Year 5 set 2 are 3rd

Year 4 set 1 are 4th (a new arrival to the top 5)

Year 3 set 2 are 5th

2P and 2BF, you are not far behind. Well done!

And now for the top 10 spellers in the whole school:

Olly (Y5)

Oliver L (Y5)

Layla C (Y4)

Georgia (Y5)

Logan (Y5)

Grace (Set 1, Y5)

Charlie (Y5)

Lili T (Y2)

Lucy T (Y2)

Gracie B (Y3)

Well done to all of these children!

Maybe set yourself a challenge this week to see if you can get into the top 10!