Spelling shed!

The whole school standings are the same with Mrs Branford’s set in 1st place, Mrs McEvoy’s set in 3rd and Mrs Holt’s set in 4th but it is very close so all to play for!

Mason and Olly B you have all climbed several places over the last few days and a special mention to Georgia R, Harvey B and Sarah Louise who are all new additions to the top 10!

Keep up your hard work children 🙂


Hi Everyone,

We have just been sent these details below for a Bake Off competition. If you do enter, we’d love to see a photo of your paper designs or an actual cake if you make one! To officially enter the competition though, you do need to follow the instructions below.

The Mayor, Councillor Steven Reynolds has recently launched his Telford NHS Bake Off Competition and the deadline for this has been extended to 12 noon on Friday 15 May to allow more time for entries to be submitted. The competition as it suggests is in aid of NHS, Carers and Key Workers who are working tirelessly to keep us all protected.

To enter:

  • Design a cake with pen and paper OR
  • Bake a cake
  • Take a photograph and share your creation on the Council’s social media platforms i.e. Facebook and Twitter using #TelfordNHSbakoff or email entries to bakeoff@telford.gov.uk
  • If you are able to – donate to my Mayor’s Charity Appeal 2019/20 at www.gofundme.com/mayorscharityappeal1920

Community Competition

Telford Priory school is running a writing competition for all ages to enter. Please read on to find out more…

If you live in the local area, love writing and are up for a challenge, please enter our community competition! The slide link below has an example of a story we have already been sent. There will be a prize for the winner and you can enter as many times as you wish, there is no age limit – open to all! You can email, send in photos or post all entries. Please email them to Clare.Tabberer@taw.org.uk.

Good luck everyone!


Lockdown Community Comp


Spelling shed

Well done to Year 5, you have managed to keep your class rankings, set 1 are 1st, set 3 are 2nd and set 2 are 4th in the whole school!

A special mention to the following children who have all contributed points to their teams. They are: Evie, Lacey, Logan, Luka, Mac, Reece, Jack C, Keaton, Mason, Oliver G, Olly B, Heidi, Nathan, Robyn, Sophie C and Sophie-Mai!

Let’s get some more players playing to really secure our rankings in the school as those year 3’s are giving us a run for our money!

Keep safe, Year 5!

Week beginning 4th May – maths activities

This week is going to be all about 3d shape.

I will list some activities but if you have your own ideas then go for it and remember we would love to see emails from you with all the fab work you have been doing! Thank you so much to all the children and parents who have emailed so far, it is so lovely to hear from you.

Ideas for 3d shape

Could you go on a 3d shape hunt around your local area on your daily walks?

Could you make some of your own 3d shapes out of things you can find around the house? For example you could use cocktail sticks and marshmallows to make a 3d shape.

Could you find examples of 3d shapes around your house and either draw or take photographs of them?

Once you have done any of these activities, remember to think about the name of the shape and the number of faces, edges and vertices.

Twinkl resources for 3d shape 

I have also found a variety of Twinkl activities you can do if you wish to.

Here are some colour by 3d shape, there is an easier version with the shapes on (perhaps you could label the properties) and a harder one with descriptions of the shape.

Colour by 3D Shapes – Higher Ability

Colour by 3D Shapes – Middle Ability

Below are some nets for you to make a variety of your own 3d shapes. Beware some are quite tricky.












Also here is something a bit more tricky for those of you who like a challenge! There is a PPT for you to work through first then an activity sheet and there are also answers to check you’re right at the end!

Answers – Reasoning About 3D Shapes (2)

Horizontal Activity Sheets – Reasoning About 3D Shapes (2)

Presentation – Reasoning About 3D Shapes (2)

Sorry for the long post everybody but I hope there is something for everyone here!

Good luck and don’t forget, email if you need us!

🙂 x

Carrot Biscuits

As part of our VE Day preparations, children in school today will be making carrot biscuits. You can find the recipe by clicking on the link below. Perhaps you fancy trying some of your own wartime-style cookery today, using the ration recipes? If you do, we’d love to see some pictures of the things you have made!

The 1940s Experiment Wartime Recipes

Literacy – Persuasive Writing

This week’s literacy is about persuasive writing. There are 3 activities for you to have a go at in as much or as little detail as you would like! 😊

Activity 1: Read the persuasive letter and answer the questions.

Persuasive Letter Recycling Plastic Waste

Questions about Recycling Plastic

Answers – Recycling Plastic

Activity 2: Read the following pieces of persuasive writing. Find as many persuasive words/ phrases or wow words as you can… you could highlight them, talk about them, write a list, present them in fancy writing, put them in bubble writing or any other way you can think of!


Activity 3: Write a letter persuading a friend to do something that you enjoy. This could be to join a club, play a sport, take up a hobby, read a book, play a computer game, support a football team or anything else that you like! You could use the writing template, word mat, word bank and PowerPoint below to help you 😊

Persuasive Letter Writing PowerPoint

Persuasive Letter Writing Word Bank



Have fun! 😊😊😊

Science: Freezing and Melting

Today, my little girl had a surprise in store for me when I opened the freezer.

Can you see what she had done?

“I wanted to see if my nail polish would freeze,” she explained. So…that got me thinking about freezing and melting.  Look at the links below to find out more about freezing and melting. If it’s OK with an adult at home, you could try the investigation out for yourself.

BBC Bitesize What are freezing and melting?

BBC Bitesize Freezing point and boiling point

Investigation: Which will freeze first?

If you fancy taking your science even further, take a look at these investigations…

Sciencing.com Projects about frozen liquids


Severn Trent Water Activities

Hello Year 5!

Have a look at this brilliant website all about water. It fits perfectly with our ‘Rivers and Water’ topic and it has so many different activities, you’re bound to be able to find at least one that you’d like to try. When you’ve had a go at something, we would love to hear all about it via the Year 5 email address. We really do enjoy hearing from you all!

Severn Trent Water Education Zone