Hi everyone :)

Hi everyone,

On Monday, we will be posting a variety of activities for you all to have a go at in English, Maths and Foundation subjects. There will be a variety of activities for you to dip into throughout the week.

Here are some non-screen activities (borrowed from Mrs Owen in Y3 – thank you Mrs Owen) for you to be having a go at!

25 non-screen activities

We hope those of you who joined in really enjoyed Mr P’s quiz this morning. We loved seeing your photos on Facebook 🙂

Have a lovely weekend in the sunshine everyone and stay safe!

Your Year 5 teachers.

Heroes Art Project

Miss Mogg has set you all a task to create a piece of art work based on the title ‘Heroes’. You can make anything you like and then send in a photo of your finished masterpieces to admin@stgeorgesschool.org.uk by Wednesday 29th April. Only artwork emailed in will be included in the finished film we will put together- anything shared directly on Facebook will be celebrated but won’t be added to the film.

We can’t wait to see what you create! Here is a photo of Miss Mogg’s Hero art.

Facebook Live Session – Friday 24th April


We would like to invite families to join us for a live quiz tomorrow at 10am hosted by Mr Porteous.

PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL CHILDREN MUST BE SUPERVISED BY AN ADULT THROUGHOUT THE QUIZ! No children should have their own Facebook account or be accessing our school’s page unsupervised!

All you will need to participate is plain paper and something to write with.

Dress Code: we would like all participants to be dressed in their smartest clothes. We would love parents/guardians to send in photos of families dressed in their finest, as we will be awarding prizes for the best dressed participants. Prizes will be awarded at a later date.

There will be no prizes for answering the most questions correctly, as one of the aims of the quiz is to make parents/guardians aware of some of the key facts which the children could be learning at home.

There will be a range of questions suitable for children of all ages. The questions which the children are unable to answer themselves will obviously need some support from adults.

Overall we hope to have a fun time and raise everyone’s spirits. However, we also hope that parents/guardians will quickly become aware of what general knowledge questions their children can practise at home and research following the quiz in future weeks.

We also hope to have members of our staff participating in the quiz, as we want our school’s community to have a positive memory to look back on in future years.

See you tomorrow – dressed in your finest 

St George’s Day!

Hi folks,

Here are a few St George’s day activities you might fancy having a go at, as well as all the ideas which have been suggested e.g. draw/paint a picture/do some writing etc.

Reading comps



See if you can design a dragon and then write a description of what he looks like and his personality, is he a nice or a naughty dragon?


Here is a SPAG quest for you to have a go at.

Saint Georges Quest for the Beast


Don’t forget to also have a look at the BBC Bitesize daily lessons. This week as well as daily lessons in Maths and English, there is also a History, Geography, Science and Music lesson to get stuck into 🙂

Try and complete some of these activities over the next few days and either email or get mum/dad to post on Facebook so we can see what you have achieved.


Well done to all the children who have been playing TTRS over the last few weeks.

A special mention to Matthew, Olly B, Theo, Charlie, Aaruren, Elizabeth, Darcy J, Lily, Ruby and Sarah-Louise who have a been playing lots since we’ve been off school.

Keep up your hard work, Year 5!