Send in your reading photos!

Hi Everyone,

We would love to share all the reading that has been going on at home so please email a photo of you reading your favourite book to We will then put all the photos of children, families, staff and governors reading into a film.

Please note that this will then be shared on our school website and Facebook page. All photos need to be sent into school by 1pm on Wednesday 22nd April. Thank you!

Thank you St George’s Community!

Wow! We have had so many food and toiletry donations come into school in just two days. Thank you very much- we are so proud to be part of such a fantastic community!
For now, we don’t need any more donations but will let you know if we start to run out. Obviously if you have already been out to buy donations, we will still gladly accept them.
We are well set up now to help lots of families- please do let us know if we can help. It is very private and confidential so other people will not know if you have contacted us for support.


Hope everyone is staying safe and enjoying the beautiful sunshine!

Here is an Easter escape room maths challenge for you to have a go at.

Some of it is quite challenging but there are answers at the end so if you get really stuck on a part, have a sneaky peek!


Telford and Wrekin Libraries Online

On our Facebook page you will find updates on all of our free digital services that can be accessed from home- click here. There are also videos created by staff with craft and baking demonstrations and a live interactive Bounce & Rhyme session every Tuesday and Thursday morning at  10.30am.

You can still join the Library by visiting Telford Libraries and will then be sent a Library card number and PIN to access all our E-Services including EBooks, EAudio, EMagazines, online resources including Ancestry.

For those who already have a Library card and are unsure of their PIN try using the last 4 digits of your postcode and if this doesn’t work please email and your PIN will be sent to you.

St George’s School Food Bank

Morning everyone! Please can parents let us know if you require one of our food bank parcels to be delivered to your house? Please don’t feel embarrassed if you need support at this time- we are all in this together and if we can help you, we will try our very best. The best way to contact us is by ringing anytime between 8am and 3.30pm (Mon-Fri).

Any donations of food and toiletries can be left in the box outside the main school office. We are particularly looking for tinned and dried foods as well as toiletries and items such as toilet rolls. We will ensure that our families who are most in need will get the support they need. Thank you so much for your continued help.